Why does the child not hold his head at 3 months: upright, lying on his stomach, bad

Why does the child not hold his head at 3 months: upright, lying on his stomach, bad

The child is born helpless with innate reflexes. They help the baby to eat, breathe and gradually develop. One of the first to strengthen the muscles of the neck, supporting the heavy head of the crumbs. If at 3 months the child does not hold his head, then it is imperative to show him to a specialist.

What a 3-month-old baby can do on his own

In 3 months, the child gains an average of 2,4-3 kg and grows 6-10 cm. He has the first communication skills. The kid can already express his emotions. New movements appear.

If the child does not hold his head at 3 months, then massage will help solve this problem.

Abilities of a 3 month old baby:

  • While in an upright position or lying on the tummy, the baby can hold the head. He does it still uncertainly, shaking it from side to side. If you lift it by the handles, then it should hold the head in 1 line with the back for about 2 seconds.
  • Seeing the face of an adult, the baby begins to smile. So far, he reacts in this way both to relatives and to strangers.
  • Having noticed a bright toy, he will follow it with his eyes. Some babies even know how to turn their heads to get a rattle.

At this age, the child begins to pronounce the first sounds and syllables. He is good at vowels and vowels.

Why does the baby not keep his head lying on his stomach or upright

Some babies at 3 months are not yet very confident in holding their head or do not raise it at all. This situation can arise for several reasons:

  • Neurological disorders or problems with the spine. This may be due to a birth injury.
  • Muscle hypotension. In this condition, the child’s muscles are constantly relaxed. And the kid cannot control them.
  • Premature birth. In this case, the baby is born weak, with little weight. Therefore, the child is slightly behind in development from children born on time.

Some children do not hold their head upright, but tilt it to the left or right. Such a pathology appears if the baby’s head is always turned in one direction during sleep.

What to do if the baby does not hold his head well 

It is necessary to deal with the baby from the first days of his life. Only in this way will the child be able to develop harmoniously and by 3 months will begin to hold his head. If the baby does not have serious injuries and specific health problems, simple exercises are enough:

  • Swimming with a special circle. It is worn around the baby’s neck. In this case, the child moves freely in the water. All muscles are strengthened.
  • Vertical position. It is necessary to hold the child upright often. When the baby turns his head, the muscles of the neck are quickly strengthened.
  • Pronation. The crumb can be spread on the tummy several times a day. In this position, the baby turns the head to the side. Gradually, the crumb will begin to raise it, examining the surrounding objects.

Special exercises and massage will help the baby to develop harmoniously. The first classes are best done together with a specialist. After 5-10 sessions, you can do all the exercises at home on your own.

If the baby has not begun to hold its head by 3 months, then this is not always a serious cause for concern. But in any case, you should not draw conclusions on your own. It is imperative to ask a specialist why the baby cannot hold its head.

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