Why does the cat constantly scream

Why does the cat constantly scream

The home purr does not always please its owners, sometimes at night or throughout the day, it screams loudly and heart-rendingly. The reasons for such behavior in an animal can be many, ranging from special sensitivity to physiological needs. Why is the cat screaming? How to deal with this? This article will help you understand the problem of night and daytime cat tantrums.

Why is the cat screaming?

The cat screams constantly: reasons and recommendations

The first thing to do after the heart-rending screams of an animal is to check if his stomach hurts. Normal bloating can cause a cat to experience severe discomfort.

The reasons for the first appearance of a loud cry in adult cats and cats can be:

  • urolithiasis (pain when urinating);
  • infection with worms;
  • Alzheimer’s disease (the appearance of symptoms similar to human senile disease);
  • trauma or painful wound on the body (paw, head, ears);
  • severe nervous breakdown.

With urolithiasis, to which castrated cats are prone, the animal cannot go to the toilet for a long time. While in the tray, the pet screams loudly, crouches.

If the cat is disturbed by the parasites that have settled inside, then his belly is significantly enlarged from the sides, constipation and feces with blood are observed. In addition to this fluffy household, they may feel sick and their eating habits change.

Cats and cats over 8 years of age often have dementia that resembles human Alzheimer’s. Animals get lost in space, do not recognize the owner, constantly meow and scream.

Pain in any organ, part of the body can also provoke night and day tantrums in a cat. Do not disregard this, be sure to examine your pet.

Nervous disorders caused by abuse, fear, lack of attention, make the animal cry for no particular reason. If you took a cat from a shelter or from the street, then surround him with affection and warmth. This will help minimize the consequences of psychological trauma.

If you suspect a disease, consult your veterinarian. Do not neglect the animal’s alarming “statements” about its problem.

However, the cat is not only screaming because of physical discomfort or pain. His “roulades” can be associated with the search for a female to create offspring. Neutering in cats and neutering in cats can help prevent urge.

Hormonal drops do not give a special effect and, as experienced veterinarians say, negatively affect the health of the pet

What to do when the animal runs and screams at night? Try to organize his day and early evening, saturate with active games. The fact is that cats and cats by their nature are wild predatory animals, they need to be constantly in motion.

They are nocturnal, therefore, when cohabitating with a person, domestic cats cannot readjust to his daily routine. To get rid of the night “vigils”, you need to play active games with your pet in the evening (if possible – during the day), run with him. And after a simulated hunt, feed them with a meat treat. Gradually, the animal will get used to a certain regime of the day and will stop screaming at night.

A purring pet is especially sensitive to attention from the owner. Do not leave him alone, treat him like a family member, and then you will not have problems with the cat’s behavior.

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