Why does the body itch in different places
The desire to scratch is quite natural as long as it does not become systematic and intrusive.
After that, such a desire qualifies as itching, requires establishing the causes, and sometimes medical intervention. Each person is able to determine in advance why the body itches, and try to eliminate the symptom on their own. Let’s see what causes obsessive itching.
Itching occurs as a result of moderate irritation of the sensory receptors located on the skin, with severe irritation, pain occurs. Before identifying sources, it is necessary to establish the prevalence of pruritus. When a person’s whole body itches, what can it be?
First of all, the presence of allergic reactions to food, smells, clothes, cold and other irritants is assumed. It is possible that scabies, lichen, head lice, or infectious diseases accompanied by a rash occur.
The most harmless answer to the question of why the body itches is prolonged exposure to the sun and drying out of the skin. In this case, itching will go away on its own or after home moisturizing treatments. Pregnancy can also cause compulsive scratching.
If itching occurs in one place and gradually spreads throughout the body, the reasons for the body itching may be:
– blood diseases;
– liver;
– kidney or endocrine system;
– diabetes or oncology.
In this case, professional diagnosis of the disease and treatment of the diseases that caused the itch, and not the itch itself, are necessary. The most common reason that the body itches in different places is psychological stress. Responsible work, stress, a difficult family environment, experiences – all this leads to the emergence of various obsessive movements, including itching throughout the body or in certain areas.
In this case, no treatment of itching with home remedies or potent drugs will help until the causes of the anxiety disappear and the psychological state of the person stabilizes.
Diseases can be among the causes of itching.
If itching occurs in certain places, the causes should be looked for immediately, until the itching begins to spread throughout the body and the skin is combed until it bleeds. Insect bites are possible in open areas. You can see how the bite marks of various types of parasites look in the photo, the body itches, perhaps because of them. In this case, an allergy pill and topical itching relievers help.
To prevent bites, when hiking in nature, you need to use protective creams or sprays, and in the apartment to carry out treatment to destroy insects. If the body itches in different places, then the reason usually lies in the same place. Itching in the extremities is most often associated with damage to the skin and gets worse as it heals.
Hemorrhoids, the presence of worms and inflammation in the rectum lead to itching in the anus. Changes in the body during menopause or illness and inflammation of the external organs cause itching in this area. Depending on where the itching is concerned, it is necessary to consult a doctor of the appropriate specialization.
How to get rid of itching in the body?
If the body itches and the reasons are established, then you can get rid of it at home or with the help of a doctor. First of all, it is necessary to weaken the unpleasant sensations. To do this, take a cool shower, apply cold lotions or treat itchy areas with ice. Cooling creams with menthol or camphor can be used as long as they do not cause allergies and the skin is intact.
Hot water is contraindicated, as skin sensitivity increases after heating.
Having determined why the body itches, you need to try to eliminate irritating factors. To do this, change:
– diet, excluding new and dangerous foods that cause allergies;
– perfume or cosmetics; clothing containing synthetic or prickly inclusions.
Dry skin is generously and regularly lubricated with nourishing creams. Bite sites are treated with alcoholic tinctures.
If the reasons why the body itches are psychological, then chamomile tea and relaxing or soothing formulations and baths help. If the itching not only does not disappear after the measures taken at home, but intensifies and spreads throughout the body, you should not postpone the visit to the doctor.
– Hair coloring, perming and frequent blow-drying can provoke an itchy scalp and the appearance of dandruff. All this dries out the scalp, and it becomes either excessively dry, or, on the contrary, protecting itself, produces sebum even more intensively. If dandruff is mild and not a concern other than unaesthetic hair, antifungal shampoos can help. You just need to remember that these shampoos are medicinal and it is not recommended to use them constantly. It is enough to apply this shampoo for a month. You can wash your hair with an antifungal shampoo as often as necessary, that is, as your hair gets dirty. But if, in addition to dandruff, some rashes, crusts appear on the skin, itching bothers you, then you need to contact a specialist who will determine the cause of dandruff and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Olga Fomina, Anna Gerasimenko
በጣም እናመሰግናለን ።ጥያቄ አለኝ እኔ ሰሞኑን ልብስ ስቀይር እና ሲሞቀኝ በጣም ያሳክከኛል ደግሞ ችፍታ ጉርብርብ ያለ ውሀ የቋጠር የሚመስል ያወጣና ትንሺ ቆይቶ ይጠፍል ምንድን ነው?
ሲሞቀኝ በጣም ያሳክከኛል ደግሞ ቸፍታ ጉርብርብ ያለ ዉሀ የቋጠር የሚመስል ያወጣና ትንሽ ቆይቶ ይጠፍል ምንድን ነው?
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