Why does the back hurt? When is back pain not to be taken lightly?

Even 90 percent. the adult population experiences back pain at least once in their life. Every seventh Pole suffers from this condition chronically. It is the second most common reason for absenteeism. Back pain varies in strength – it can only be felt in certain situations, but it can also prevent you from getting out of bed. What causes it and how to deal with it?

Many people see the causes of pain in a sedentary, stressful lifestyle or simply aging. These are indeed the most common reasons, and the spine, like everything else, “wears out” with age, which does not mean that it should be overcome on the agenda. Neglected problems can lead to serious consequences. Fortunately, back pain is only a symptom of a serious illness in only 300 in XNUMX people. However, it is always worth consulting with a specialist.

The causes of back pain related to spine diseases

Overload it is the most common cause of all patient-reported back pain. It can go hand in hand with muscle strain and cramps, as well as torn ligaments. It is worth knowing that overload can be caused not only by one-time, too much effort, but also by posture defects that have arisen over the years. – Postural defects do not have to accompany us from childhood. Unfortunately, we often “work on them”, explains Krzysztof Mazurkiewicz, a physiotherapist.

– They are the result of bad habits cultivated for years, they are favored by a “sedentary lifestyle”, working at a desk, wearing high-heeled shoes, and even stress or an incorrect sleeping position. All this after some time can lead to the so-called postural pain.

Discopathy is the first stage of osteoarthritis of the spine, so it should not be taken lightly. We also commonly refer to it as spinal hernia, lumbago or disc prolapse. Doctors call it “sickness of people sitting”. In fact, it occurs when the disks that act as a shock absorber degenerate and put pressure on the spinal nerve roots or other structures. Pain often radiates, causing numbness, tingling or paralysis in muscles such as the legs.

Compression fractures of the vertebrae are one of the main symptoms of osteoporosis. They most often concern women over 60 years of age. They can be recognized by the fact that they are aggravated by coughing, sneezing and defecation.

Spinal stenosis is when the pain worsens when the spine is straightened, and spondyliosthesis (slippage of the vertebrae) when back pain is accompanied by problems with walking and sitting down.

The most serious causes of spinal back pain are infections (e.g. osteomyelitis) and tumors (of the spinal cord or spine).

The causes of extra-vertebral back pain

Back pain can be caused by diseases of the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems, as well as acute meningitis, heart attack, Paget’s bone disease, herpes zoster, and autoimmune diseases.

Overload or inflammatory pain?

It is worth noting that in the vast majority of cases, back pain is overloaded. Only 3 percent. of patients, the cause is inflammatory disease. Even so, the two types of pain – overload and inflammation – are often confused with each other. Distinguishing them and determining the cause is important for further effective treatment.

Overload pain can appear at any age, and symptoms develop fairly quickly. It usually doesn’t bother you at night and doesn’t cause morning stiffness in your joints. Most often it is caused by overload or trauma. It does not go away too quickly after administration of painkillers.

– The most characteristic element of overload pain is that it intensifies during movement and lifting, and soothes after rest – explains Krzysztof Mazurkiewicz, a physiotherapist.

Inflammatory pain first appears, usually before the patient’s 40 years of age, and gets worse gradually. May relieve after exercise, but not necessarily after rest. Inflammatory pain can worsen at night and may even wake you up. Causes morning joint stiffness. It is accompanied by the characteristic alternating pain in the buttocks. It usually clears up fairly quickly with the administration of pain medications.

“The main cause of inflammatory back pain is autoimmune diseases, i.e. those in which our immune system attacks its own tissues,” says the physiotherapist. – Axial spondyloarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and reactive arthritis are closely related to back pain. The most common symptoms are pain and swelling in the affected joints and tissues, but in many patients they also cause back pain.

These symptoms are not sufficient to make a diagnosis. You will need X-rays, blood tests, and for genetic markers.

The most important prevention

You have to realize that back pain is no joke. Even if it’s not too strong, it can be a symptom or the first stage of a much more serious condition. Every second Pole complains about back pain. Fortunately, most of them suffer from overload pain and discopathies resulting from bad habits. Even they are 90 percent. cases are not eligible for surgical but conservative treatment. An important element is prevention and taking care of physical activity. Many physiotherapists emphasize that there is no such thing as “correct sitting position”, and no contoured armchair will fully take care of our spine. The human body has been designed to move and must receive the right dose to function properly for many years. Here are some tips from a physical therapist to help prevent back pain:

– while sitting, tilt your hips back. This will distribute the weight of the body with which the back is bearing;

– do not stay in the same position for a long time. Find a point of support for your back or hips, put your feet apart, place one or the other on a support;

– if you lift something heavy, bend your legs, bend your hips back and keep your back straight. Do not lift objects on straight legs.

Walking or swimming are the minimum exercise you can afford, even if you already suffer from back pain. However, remember to consult any activity with a doctor or physiotherapist and choose one that will not pose a threat to your spine.

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