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We suffer from back pain very often. What is the cause of it? Can Pain Be Avoided? Much depends on how serious the causes are. Get to know them!
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1/8 Dyskopathia
Discopathy, or hernia of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc, is one of the most common causes of back pain. It is characterized by sudden “gunshot” pains that make it impossible to straighten up and walk freely. This pain radiates to the lower extremities. It is often the case that the pain arises as a consequence of picking up something heavy or suddenly bending down.
2/ 8 Inappropriate bending down
The way we bend is important for the health of our spine. Please note that we should not bend down by bending at the waist. You should bend your knees slightly and not bend your spine. This is especially important when lifting heavy objects, such as boxes when moving, or shopping bags. Otherwise, we put a strain on the spine, which can cause pain. Photo Shutterstock
3/ 8 Incorrect sitting position
Sitting in front of the computer at work every day leads to back pain sooner or later. The way we sit at the desk is very important. It turns out that sitting upright is not the best thing at all, a slight backward tilt is recommended. Of course, slouching should also be avoided. Photo Shutterstock
4/ 8 Posture defects
One of the most common posture defects is scoliosis, which is a lateral curvature of the spine. It especially affects children. It makes itself felt in the period of intensive growth, showing itself among others. asymmetrical arrangement of the blades. May cause sudden pain. Its causes are congenital defects or neglect to maintain a proper body posture. Other reasons include carrying heavy backpacks or bags on one shoulder. If you notice any disturbing symptoms, be sure to go to a specialist. In some cases, the defect can be corrected with regular corrective exercises. Photo Shutterstock
5/ 8 Other health conditions
Back pain can also signal other diseases that affect the body, e.g. inflammation of the kidneys. It also happens that severe pain is caused by the presence of tumor metastases. The neoplasms that metastasize to the spine include, among others. prostate cancer and breast cancer. Photo Shutterstock
6/ 8 Overweight
It is known that overweight is very burdensome for the spine. It can lead to the development of a degenerative disease, which will be manifested, among others, by severe back pain. If the BMI indicates that we are overweight, it is worth using the advice of a doctor or dietitian on how to deal with unnecessary kilograms before unpleasant ailments appear. Photo Shutterstock
7/ 8 Unsuitable shopping shoes
It is worth remembering not to wear high-heeled shoes when shopping. They cause that the spine is additionally loaded. Back pain may occur as a consequence. Let’s also pay attention not to walk around the store with a heavy basket, but to use a stroller if possible. Photo Shutterstock
8/8 Stress
It turns out that stress can also cause pain. During prolonged stress, we reflexively tighten the muscles – including the muscles of the back and neck. This, in turn, causes the blood vessels to constrict and cause hypoxia. To avoid the unpleasant effects of nervousness, use relaxation techniques. Massage is also worth doing. Photo Shutterstock