Why does success depend only on the person himself and no one else?

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Recently, I published an article on the blog: «The best methods for achieving success that will help you finally believe in yourself.» Within the framework of one article, everything does not fit, and it will not be convenient to read such posts. Therefore, today I decided to continue the topic and take a closer look at why a person’s success depends on himself.

The Psychology of Achievement

The psychology of a person’s success in all endeavors includes a very important component — responsibility. To achieve what you want, you need to clearly understand that:

Your life depends only on you.

What decisions do you make, actions and whether you are able to be responsible for the consequences. You can read the article “Real Worldwide Big Business Success Stories and How They Started”, and then you will see that all the leaders at the beginning of their journey, and now they are already millionaires and billionaires, did not place their hopes in the government, relatives, connections or inheritance.

They understood that in order to achieve something, it was important to be able to rely only on themselves and not expect that someone would lighten their burden. The most valuable thing is the inner knowledge that no one owes you anything and is not obliged to help you. Otherwise, there will be a temptation to blame others for your failures, to look for excuses and excuses. A successful person in life and business is always responsible for any consequences, and from failures he knows how to make experience and appreciate it.

And the larger it is, the greater the risks and burden, so try to gradually increase the volume of tasks, giving the body the opportunity to adapt to the increasing stress and the cost of internal resources.

Internal factors

Why does success depend only on the person himself and no one else?

Let’s now take a closer look at what character traits a person should have in order to reach heights and achieve the expected result.

One institute of psychology in the United States conducted research to identify the relationship between personality traits and its success. More than 2 people were surveyed who were successful in life and work. As a result, 000 common character traits were obtained that were present in each subject. I want to say in advance that it is quite possible to develop these qualities in yourself if you set a goal, are ready to develop and make efforts.

1. Self-discipline

To do this, you should constantly act, without stopping, set clear boundaries for yourself to do the work and stick to them, not giving yourself the opportunity to be distracted or give up. Otherwise, allowing yourself to relax, over time, the energy will decline, and the task can be safely written down as unfulfilled, because it will lose its relevance, and so the rest of the tasks and planned plans will be lost over time.

Learn to resist the temptation to postpone the matter until later, when planning the deadlines, you must take into account the time for rest and force majeure, so try to fit into them.

You can read more about self-discipline on my blog. Here’s the link.

2. The ability to bring what you started to the end

If Steve Jobs had given up halfway through, and he had a lot of difficult situations, even when he was “kicked out” from his own company, then we would not be happy now with the tablets, smartphones and other Apple products that he created. A series of failures does not stop a successful person, a high result is the strength of his desire and motivation, the ability to follow his dream no matter what.

How many important and worthwhile inventions have not been recognized by the world, just because the geniuses stopped a few steps away from victory, not finding the strength to move on? Get diligence, assertiveness and confidence, because willpower is an innate ability that is present in everyone, and which can be developed.

3. Constructive aggression

Why does success depend only on the person himself and no one else?

It means an active approach to life, interest in it, initiative. Ability to build relationships, defend their rights and opinions. Constructive aggression pushes a person to vigorous activity, sometimes even risky, in order to achieve the desired effect. It has a lot of energy that you want to realize, so a successful person always strives for more and does not stop there. He knows how to make decisions quickly and is not afraid to take responsibility for them. The difference from destructive aggression is that with constructive aggression, a person is able to resolve conflicts, negotiate and discuss without destroying the other and his own identity.

4. Common sense

This is a very important component that accompanies achievements, periodically testing reality to understand whether the task is within your power, whether you are moving in the right direction and, in general, an objective view of the process from the outside. Ambition is certainly good, but sometimes you can miss important points behind them, which it is quite possible to “stumble” on in the future. More often analyze your own and other people’s mistakes, any situations, and consider them from several angles to create an objective assessment.


Thanks to it, a general mood of a person is created, focused on the successful result of his activity. A successful person has a positive mindset, he believes in his strengths, skills and abilities. And even the emerging obstacles are not able to break his morale. Tell yourself more often that you can do it and that everything will work out for you, this will give determination and raise “fighting spirit”.

6.High level of development

Why does success depend only on the person himself and no one else?

To achieve what you want, you need to be very well versed in your industry, constantly improving your skills and abilities, obtaining new information and using it in your activities.

By constantly updating and expanding your knowledge, you will be more resilient, and this will help you to always be one step ahead of the competition.

Read books, this will contribute to a rich vocabulary, the development of analytical thinking and imagination. As well as concentration of attention and strengthen memory. People who have achieved high results are literate, have a business letter and are able to work with a large amount of information, choosing from it only what is necessary.

To increase your productivity, it would be nice to master the technique of speed reading. You can read more in a previously published article, here: “How to increase the speed of reading without losing the quality of information to save your time”.


As you may have noticed, a person’s success depends only on himself, thanks to a set of qualities and hard work, both on himself and in his activities. Then there will be no need to wait for a happy chance or help from outside. It is quite possible to achieve the desired result from scratch, relying only on your own resources, which is what I wish you.

That’s all for me, do not forget to subscribe to updates and add articles to your social networks. network (the buttons are at the bottom). Bye Bye.

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