The psychic found a very unusual explanation for this.
In an apartment or in a house, furniture can make strange sounds: glasses clink, the laminate itself creaks, and from the depths of the closet some meow can generally be heard, and the cat is only in your plans …
This happens when we open an energy passage to another space, that is, a parallel world, says psychic Daria Mironova. “There are creatures living next to us – elementals, they are from a parallel dimension. Energetically, we do not see them, they are invisible. In Russia they were called brownies. Such brownies, elementals, spirits can be recorded on the camera. Pictures on film, and sometimes even on a phone, can capture some strange glow in the photos. It seems that this is a distortion of the camera, but in fact it is precisely the perfume that can be seen like this. People do not see them with ordinary vision, except for clairvoyants and psychics.
In addition, the place where we live keeps the memory of previous owners and events. This is called the memory of a place. For example, some past negative things that happened in a particular place were remembered in the energies of that space, room or dwelling where it happened. For example, people got into a fight, quarreled, dispersed, someone got very sick, or did not appease the brownie, and so on. This event could then be accompanied by sounds, as if a door had opened at that moment …
Another version of the appearance of incomprehensible sounds comes down to saying goodbye to the deceased. When a loved one passes away, relatives curtain all the mirrors because of the belief that in the reflection you can see the soul and the person who passed away. Because it is believed that within 40 days the spirit of a deceased person comes to the room where he lived during his lifetime. It is at this moment that we can hear some sounds, as if someone nearby is moving and creating a breeze. Cats have the ability to see spirits, they are guides between two worlds. Probably, many cat owners have noticed that the animal can stop its gaze in one place and stare into the void.
Oddly enough, children can be unconscious mediums. When a child has a borderline state of mind or adolescence, they may accidentally turn out to be the conductors of these spirits, which can cause certain spirits in the apartment, the expert notes.
To avoid extraneous sounds, you need to clean the space: go around the room and all corners with a candle clockwise and read prayers, if you are a believer. And the most important thing is to buy salt on Thursday and sprinkle a pinch of this Thursday salt in the corners of the apartment. And be sure to put milk, bread and salt in a small container before entering a house or apartment, if strange sounds appear there – for the brownie. And you can throw coins at the entrance to the house, saying: at the mercy, at the mercy, at the mercy.
Above the front door in such cases is just as good hang a silver horseshoe or a small dried sprig of St. John’s wort, then the negative will go away.
Sandalwood incense also helps if you fumigate the room with them and speak to the four cardinal directions.that you want to get rid of the strange sounds of this house.