Why does melon smell like acetone?

Often, when harvesting and further use of gourds, in particular melons, there are serious changes in their taste and smell. Usually, the melon is bitter or has a special “chemical smell”, for example, the smell of acetone. Naturally, many consumers are wary of such manifestations and do not eat such products. And it must be said that their fears are well founded.

Why does melon smell like acetone?

List of possible reasons for the deterioration of the taste of melon

There can be several reasons for the deterioration of the taste of melon. Mostly they are associated with errors in caring for the plant. These include:

  1. Mistakes in the choice of the climatic zone of cultivation. Melon is a thermophilic plant and needs more care in colder regions. In very cold climates, melons are generally not recommended to be grown outdoors.
  2. Lack of moisture, as well as excessive moisture, can cause a change in the taste of the melon and the consistency of its pulp.
  3. The use of excessive doses of mineral fertilizers (especially nitrogen-containing ones) leads to the appearance of a sour or bitter taste in fruits.
  4. If fruits are overexposed on melons, that is, brought to a state of overripeness, a strong “chemical” shade appears in their taste and smell, reminiscent of the smell of acetone or solvent.
  5. Fungal diseases, in particular Fusarium, lead to the appearance of a bitter taste in fruits.
  6. Mechanical damage to the fruits is an additional place for the penetration of bacteria into them, the activity of which leads not only to the appearance of an unpleasant smell and taste, but also to their deterioration.

In addition, the reasons for the deterioration in the taste of the fruit include other forms of improper plant care and events of a random nature (for example, pest invasions, etc.).

How soil composition and care affect the taste of melon

The influence of the composition of the soil and the degree of its “grooming” is one of the two conditions for obtaining a good harvest of the melon crop under consideration (another important condition is the presence of a large amount of heat and light).

Why does melon smell like acetone?

Melons grow best on light chernozems, etc. “chestnut” soils with a high degree of moisture. However, one should not think that melons are able to grow only on such soils, the plant bears fruit well in saline areas, which compares favorably with many representatives of domesticated crops.

The main requirement for the soil is its good supply of nutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) and sufficient moisture. It is possible to ensure the presence of nutrients in the soil if fertilizers (mainly organic) are applied to it. One of the most effective ways is to apply rotted manure in the amount of up to 600 kg per hundred square meters in the autumn plowing. This amount of fertilizer is enough to get a melon crop next season without any additional top dressing.

Why does melon smell like acetone?

The decrease in the amount of nutrients affects mainly the size of the fruit. But non-compliance with watering norms leads not only to the grinding of fruits, but also to a deterioration in taste. In the vast majority of cases, the melon is bitter not from the presence of nitrates in its tissues, but from improper watering.

What are the growing rules?

The cultivation of each crop must fully comply with the rules of agricultural technology for it. Melon is no exception. All conditions for growing melons must be observed. The most important is the temperature at which the culture is kept. This means, for example, that you should not grow melons outdoors in cold climates.

This is especially important for southern varieties, which require not only the appropriate air temperature, but also an acceptable soil temperature. In addition, any melon for normal ripening needs a lot of sunlight.

If there is a suspicion that the soil on the site may contain fungal spores or pest larvae, it must first be treated with an appropriate preparation. After such treatment, you should wait at least two months before planting the plant.

Important! When treating the soil from pests with pesticides, it should be remembered that this procedure cannot be performed when the plant is already planted. Moreover, it is impossible to process already tied fruits.

The choice of a place for growing melons (and melons in general) is also important. The area where melons are grown must be located at a safe distance from roads (at least 100 m) or large enterprises (at least 1 km).

It is also important not to let the melons overripe. When overripe, the metabolic processes in fruits stop, and many waste products of cells (and they are always excreted in all living organisms) may not be removed from the fruits into the environment, but remain in it. In addition, overripe fruits are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that cause intestinal disorders.

Why do melons smell and taste of acetone

The aroma and taste of melons (and any similar product – pineapples, bananas, peaches, etc.) is due to the presence of a large number of esters in them. A small concentration of such substances creates the very fruity aroma characteristic of ripe fruits. If the concentration of such substances exceeds some critical values, then their smell becomes similar to the “smell of acetone”.

Why does melon smell like acetone?

Important! You should not think that if the melon smells like acetone, then it contains acetone. The presence of such a smell is due to the presence in the fruits of ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate, which have a molecule, part of which is similar to acetone.

Causes of the smell and taste of acetone in melons

Ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate are found in high concentrations in melons and other fruits as they ripen. Overripeness leads to autolysis of fetal tissues – the process of self-digestion, due to a slowdown in metabolic processes with excessive ripeness.

The result of autolysis is the release of a large amount of the same ethyl acetate. However, this substance in itself is not dangerous, since its concentration, even in the fruits of a large mass, is too small to pose a danger to humans.

The problem is that the acetone smell is an indicator that bacteria are developing inside the fruit, which, until overripe, did not pose a serious threat. When the process of fruit autolysis began, the removal of both the bacteria themselves from the tissues and cavities of the fetus, and their waste products stopped, and they began to multiply uncontrollably inside the melon. Namely, their waste products, mainly consisting of dead proteins and amines, are dangerous to humans.

Is it possible to eat such melons

Even if the aroma is dominated by a fruity smell, and notes of ethyl acetate are barely noticeable, this indicates that the melon is already overripe, and you can eat it at your own peril and risk. There will be no particularly serious consequences, approximately 80% of such fruits do not pose a danger to humans. And, in fact, to apply the term “danger” to a weak intestinal disorder is not very correct.

In the case when ethyl acetate predominates in the smell of melon, you should not eat it. And few people will have a desire to use a product with a clear “technical” flavor.

Why does melon smell like acetone?

If the melon has the taste of acetone, it is strictly forbidden to use it, since the number of bacteria that develop simultaneously with the release of ethyl acetate is already too high in it. And, as a result, the concentration of their metabolic products, which pose a potential danger to humans, is also very high. And here a mild disorder can develop into a serious poisoning.


If the melon is bitter, with a high degree of probability this means that mistakes were made when growing it, and you should not use this product. And even if the substances that cause an unpleasant taste or smell are not dangerous to humans, they are companions to more serious processes occurring inside the fetus. But the consequences of these processes can be much more serious.

How to choose a ripe, sweet and nitrate-free MELON

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