Why does heaviness appear in the legs?

Why does heaviness appear in the legs?

The feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs that appears towards the end of the day is familiar to many. Sometimes the discomfort that appears in them in the evening does not go away even with the onset of night, even if the legs are provided with rest. There are several simple reasons for the unpleasant symptoms.

Heaviness in the legs: causes

If the causes of heaviness in the calves and feet are associated with fatigue, then discomfort in the lower extremities is felt from time to time, usually at the end of the day. This tense state goes away after rest. However, not everyone has a good rest. Therefore, fatigue and stress, accumulating, can result in vascular or neuralgic diseases of the legs.

If you spent the whole day on your feet, actively engaged in sports or just walked a lot, in the evening it is quite possible that a feeling of heaviness will appear in your legs.

Extra pounds, especially in combination with an unimportant heredity, may well cause pain in the legs.

Tight and tight footwear, overly tight or tight-fitting clothes (for example, knee-highs or stockings) may well cause heaviness in the legs. It is better to refuse such models.

In the heat, people prefer to move less and drink more, the volume of fluid circulating in the body increases, the vessels of the legs expand, and their tone decreases. The result is swelling and fatigue.

6.Changes in hormonal levels

Taking hormonal drugs, in particular – some contraceptives, pregnancy and other fluctuations in hormonal levels can cause a feeling of heaviness in the legs. In women, heaviness in the legs often appears or intensifies during the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

If the causes of heaviness in the legs are caused by various diseases (for example, arthritis or atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system, flat feet, obesity and thrombophlebitis), then you should consult a doctor. Having cured the disease that provoked painful sensations, you will get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Venous insufficiency is a common cause of leg discomfort.

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