Why does garlic turn yellow in the spring in the garden, and what to do about it
It’s a shame when the plant begins to wither in the spring, even before the onset of drought.
Most often, garlic that was planted in the winter turns yellow. This is because he was not planted correctly. The leaves begin to turn yellow at the tips, and the whole plant gradually dries up. Or the garlic still survives, but grows very slowly.
Why does garlic turn yellow
Wrong boarding time… If planted too early, then the garlic could have time to give roots and release the first leaves. This means that low temperatures could easily damage the greens. It is best to plant garlic not earlier than October in the middle lane and not earlier than November in the south.
But frosts no longer depend on a person.… If, after the heat and melting of the snow, frost hits again, this can lead to the complete destruction of the roots. If there is a chance of frost in the spring, then, as soon as green feathers appear, water the plants with drugs – growth stimulants. They strengthen the immune system of healthy plants and repair weakened ones.
Increased soil acidity… This plant takes root well in the soil of neutral acidity. To get rid of excess acid, lime is added during digging, from 30 to 60 kg per hundred square meters, depending on the degree of acidity.
Lack or excess of moisture in the soil… Moderate watering is important for garlic, especially in May and June. Do not overdo it, garlic tolerates excess water worse than lack of water. In the rainy months, watering can be avoided altogether, in dry months – watering 3-4 times a month. Remember to loosen the soil.
Lack of macro- or micronutrients… Most often, plants lack potassium, magnesium or nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizers are responsible for building up the green mass of plants. In the absence of potassium, growth slows down, a bluish bloom may appear on the leaves, and a brown burn around the edges.
Diseases and pests… The main diseases and pests of garlic: downy mildew, rot, rust, mold, nematode, tick, onion fly, moth.
How to process garlic
The grown garlic needs feeding. For 10 liters of water, 6 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of superphosphate and 6 g of potassium sulfate are diluted. A solution in this proportion is enough for 10 square meters. Most often, one such top dressing is enough, while the soil has not yet completely thawed.
It is also recommended to pour dry granules of urea (urea) into the grooves along the beds. Cover the fertilizer immediately with soil and pour abundantly on top.
If the garlic has been frozen, spraying with “Zircon” will help. It will help the plant recover faster and start growing actively. Dissolve 1 ml of the preparation in 10 liters of water. It should be sprayed about once a week.
You can also use folk recipes. For example, fertilize with herbal infusion. It is not difficult to prepare it. Pour grass or any weeds in a barrel with water (very effective using nettles) and add wood ash. Let it brew for 3-5 days. When the solution starts to “grumble” and foam, it is ready. Pour this mixture over the root of the garlic.
Ash can also be used as an independent fertilizer. Boil 300 g of ash for 20 minutes. Dilute in 10 liters of water, strain, add 1 tbsp. liquid soap. Can be used for foliar feeding or applied to the soil.
Insecticides against jaundice
If you have tried all the remedies, and the garlic still continues to turn yellow, it’s time to use heavy artillery that will deal with the most persistent parasites. Insecticides are harmful to humans, can damage the respiratory tract and skin, so the treatment should be carried out with a mask and gloves. Follow the instructions carefully.
Drugs that can be used to combat parasites that cause yellowing of leaves:
“Actellik” is a drug for ticks.
“Carbation”, “See” – from nematode.
“Summer resident” – from an onion fly.
Copper sulfate – from rust.
“Polycarbocin”, “Arcerida” – from downy mildew.
“Previkur”, “Fundazol” – from rot and fusarium.
“Karbofos” – from mosaics.
Remember that the toxins contained in these preparations are capable of accumulating in plants, so you should not get carried away with them.
Prevention of yellowing of leaves
You can try to prevent unwanted damage to the garlic. For this, the following measures are applied:
do not plant garlic in one place for more than 2-3 years in a row;
plant winter garlic 3-4 weeks before frost;
process the seed with copper sulfate or a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
loosen the soil regularly;
do not pour the garlic, watering should be moderate;
do not plant garlic next to onions, they are bad neighbors;
burn the leftovers after harvesting to kill the parasites.