Why does Epiphany water really last for a long time?

Why does Epiphany water really last for a long time?

People always need to believe in something. You must admit that miracles in real life will not prevent anyone. And baptismal water is a miracle that is recognized not only by believers.

The water collected on the night of January 18-19, on the feast of Epiphany, does not deteriorate for a very long time. It is a fact. That is, it does not “bloom”, does not turn green, and it does not have a musty taste and smell. Believers explain this simply: on such a great day, water is consecrated, and therefore has special properties. However, such a theory is not enough for scientists. Water was investigated up and down – and these are the conclusions that physicists have come to.

The Sun is to blame for everything

There are many scientific versions. For example, this: the Sun affects the composition of water in Baptism. Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Tsetlin linked the variability of water with the vibrations of the earth’s shells, which are influenced by the heavenly bodies. It turned out that it is on these days that the Earth is at the closest distance from the Sun. During the study, the scientist noticed that it was on the evening of January 18 that the water molecules “calmed down” earlier than usual, its electrical conductivity dropped to a minimum. This means that in such water there was a suppression of microorganisms, which usually “spoil” the water. And the water remained in this state for several hours.

The calmness of the water is the reason why it can be stored for a long time, and it does not matter where it was collected – in a church, in a pond or from a tap.

And here’s another thing. The influence of the Sun affects not only liquid water, but also its gaseous form and the aquatic environment of the human body.

The most interesting thing is that the unique composition of water is observed more than once a year, as is commonly believed. Every 27 days (this is how long the solar cycle lasts, during which it makes a complete revolution around its axis), the water becomes “Epiphany”.

Space inside us

Other studies have found that every year on January 19, within a day and a half, water changes its structure many times. We measured the biofield of water, acid-base balance, hydrogen potential, specific electrical conductivity, as well as the result of its effect on humans during internal and external use.

In the laboratory of drinking water supply of the Institute. Sysin discovered on Epiphany a large accumulation of radical ions in the lithosphere of the Earth, which influenced the electromagnetic activity of water. According to Anatoly Stekhin, candidate of technical sciences, on ordinary days the best composition near the water is observed from 7 to 9 in the morning (but it is far from Epiphany). On the “anomalous” days of January 18-19, the cosmic impact occurs continuously, the electrons do not fly into the upper layers of the atmosphere, but calmly saturate the water environment of the Earth with healing powers. True, this theory has many opponents, as does the version that a solar eclipse affects the properties of water.

The main thing is to believe

Science argues with itself. Religion argues with science about whether it is worth looking at any rational justification for such a phenomenon. Isn’t it easier to take and accept an amazing fact on faith?

“It must be borne in mind that when Jesus Christ was baptized, he did not need to wash away sins from himself, like other people, therefore, entering the Jordan, he sanctified his waters, the nature of this water changed. Since then, on this day, there has been a change in the nature of all water from all sources, even if the water was not consecrated in the temple. It must be understood that self-consecration does not occur, that is, you cannot put a jar of water on the window and wait for it to become consecrated by itself. Only during the prayer does the holy spirit descend on this water, and then it is considered the baptismal water that has healing properties – it drives demons, heals diseases. Even a small amount of holy Epiphany water brought after the prayer can be added to the usual one, and all the water will become consecrated. It is she who is stored and used for its intended purpose.

The fact that Epiphany water really has healing properties is proven by facts. For example, after the 1917 revolution, when cholera and typhus were circulating, water for consecration was taken from the rivers. Of course, it was not purified. But all fears that drinking such water would spread infections turned out to be in vain – no one got sick. “

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