Why does cellulite appear and how to deal with it

Some seemingly harmless habits are actually orange peel’s best friends. Therefore, in the struggle for a beautiful skin and figure, you need to get rid of them as well.

In a simple way, cellulite is a condition of the skin of the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, sometimes even arms and shoulders, in which it becomes uneven, with bumps and depressions that form the effect of an orange peel.

From the point of view of medicine, cellulite is structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, leading to a violation of microcirculation and lymphatic outflow. The more the violation, the more pronounced the cellulite.

To keep these violations as small as possible, it is worth not only playing sports, regularly going to a beautician, choosing the right care products, but also reviewing some of your habits.

… sit cross-legged

This pose, common among women, can add not only cellulite, but also varicose veins to your piggy bank. Since this position of the legs greatly disrupts blood circulation. For the same reason, it is generally harmful for a long time to be in the same position. Therefore, if you have a stationary job, develop a good habit of changing position and doing exercises from time to time.


Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on collagen fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. That is, making a choice in favor of tanning, you automatically make your skin more vulnerable to cellulite.

… smoke

Nicotine destroys vitamin C, which helps maintain good skin condition. Against this background, the harmful substances contained in cigarettes have a stronger effect on the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, nicotine interferes with proper blood circulation, impairs metabolism at the cellular level and inhibits the breakdown of fats.

… wearing tight jeans

Very tight and tight jeans constrict blood vessels, thereby disrupting the blood supply to the skin.

… wearing thin tights in cold weather

Walking in thin tights in winter is a sure way to ruin your skin. Since in the cold, microcirculation of blood and fluids is disturbed in the thighs, which leads to malfunctioning of tissues and the prosperity of cellulite.

… use the elevator

Brisk walking and running up stairs are the enemies of cellulite. Therefore, if you are just promising yourself to buy a subscription to a fitness or gym, give up the elevator. The muscles of the legs and buttocks will thank you for this.

… drink coffee instead of breakfast

Breakfast should be complete. This ultimately affects the entire metabolic process in the body. Coffee slows down blood circulation and helps to reduce the level of blood entering the adipose tissue, it also slows down the circulation of fluids and retains water in the body. Of course, a small cup of coffee in the morning will not do much harm. But at the same time, it will be better if it becomes part of your breakfast, and does not completely replace it.

… there is a lot of sweetness

The main source of subcutaneous fat is not even fatty foods, but sugar. When the amount in the blood increases, the body responds by increasing the glucose content. Half of it just settles in problem areas. Ate a lot of sweets – as a result, they clogged the cells with fat and got new deposits of cellulite.

… dieting often

It’s one thing to constantly maintain a certain weight by adjusting your diet. Another is if you are on a diet, then gain weight and start fasting again. First, with a lack of nutrients, the body will still demand to meet its energy needs. And he will take on this matter in between diets mainly with the help of sugar, which, as we have already found out, is one of the active cellulite support group. Secondly, the constant jumps in weight – stress for the body, with which it can also begin to cope with a set of fat.

The body will have the same stress if you do a lot of sports and suddenly suddenly quit. If necessary, the load should be reduced gradually.

… snack on fast food

Synthetic additives, chemicals, preservatives, dyes – everything that fast food is so rich in has a detrimental effect on health in general and causes disorganization of the work of all organs and systems. In addition, there is an excess of salt in fast food, which binds water in tissues, causing problems with lymphatic circulation. As a result, water settles in fat cells, increasing their size.

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