Why does a young pear dry

Gardeners have to contend with various problems when growing fruit trees. Very often they do not know what to do if the pear branches dry one by one. What is this disease, and what are the methods of treatment – the topic of the article.

Why does a young pear dry

Possible reasons why a pear dries

It is not always possible to determine the exact cause immediately. This is due to the fact that she is not alone. Often several causes are combined and simultaneously affect the tree. Even in the same area, fruit crops react differently to the same conditions.

To find the reason why a pear dries, you need to know the main factors. Among them it should be noted:

  1. Incorrect fit and illiteracy of subsequent care. The exactingness of the pear to comply with the rules of planting is known to all gardeners. If during the period of frost the soil pushes the seedling up, then the root collar is exposed, which leads to the drying of the pear. The second reason for exposure may be improper placement of the seedling during planting.
  2. Weather. In this case, the state of the root system will be the cause. In the rainy season, the roots do not have enough air, they begin to rot, then die. Dry summers lead to dehydration of the soil, which also causes parts of the tree to dry out. The second factor is return frosts during the flowering period of the pear. Plant tissues freeze, then dry out. Also, at the beginning of winter, the roots may freeze slightly, because the pear does not belong to frost-resistant crops.
  3. Impact of pests and pathogens. Various diseases, pest invasions can damage the tree and lead to the drying out of its parts or the entire pear.
Important! There are other reasons that need to be mentioned.

Why do pear branches dry

There are some reasons for the drying of pear branches. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the time of occurrence of the problem. If the branches began to dry in the spring, then this may be a manifestation of a formidable disease – a bacterial burn. The first stage appears on the buds and flowers, then goes on to the leaves and branches. Treatment should be carried out from a bacterial burn.

If the problem manifests itself in the summer, then hydrothermal or sunburn may be the cause. This is not a disease, but the consequences of exposure to high humidity or air temperature and direct sunlight. The seedling should be protected from adverse factors.

Another climatic factor is frostbite. Frost crackers can destroy even large, strong pear branches. Therefore, it is necessary to qualitatively insulate the tree before the onset of winter.

The branches of the pear also dry from lesions of the bark or the presence of pests. If these are moles, then there are ways to deal with them. From small pests, treatment with Actara helps.

Why does the top of a pear dry?

This problem is often referred to as dry topping. Most often, the drying of the upper tier occurs in the spring, but may appear in the second half of the summer. The problem reoccurs every year. Young seedlings may die in 2-3 years, mature trees reduce productivity. There can be several reasons why the top of the pear dries:

  1. Violations of agricultural technology. This is especially true for the planting and care process. Most often, the drying of the tops is associated with the close location of groundwater. The roots of a young pear reach the water, begin to rot and die. Then the top dries out. If a young pear seedling is planted correctly, then the top will dry out last. This determines the cause, not related to landing problems.
  2. Agrochemical violations food, diseases, pests. In a young pear, at the end of summer, the tips of new branches dry. If you carefully examine the shoots, you can see the places where the corrosive woodworm is introduced – the reasons for drying out. The ends of the shoots are also killed by the eastern codling moth.

Why does a young pear dry

The gardener needs to cut out the part of the top that has dried out. Thus, the balance between the root system and the crown will be restored. With a close occurrence of groundwater, you will have to transplant a pear seedling higher or lay a good drainage system.

Why do pear leaves dry

This manifestation is very common.

Determining the cause is not always easy. Since there are many of them, it is necessary to consider all possible:

  1. Unsuitable climatic conditions for the tree. Most pear varieties can withstand drought and heat very well. But some are bred for cultivation in regions with a cool climate. Therefore, varietal characteristics must be taken into account.
  2. Wrong care. This category includes the watering schedule, the regularity of top dressing, a sufficient amount of lighting. Excessive or insufficient watering leads to negative changes in the root system. The pear ceases to receive enough nutrition and moisture. Leaves react, begin to dry.
  3. Fungal infections. These include a large list of diseases, the most common of which is scab. Fungal diseases are treated only with special preparations and preferably at the earliest possible date.
  4. Pests. Serious lesions even lead to rapid dropping of foliage, and not only to drying out.

Young pears are considered whimsical and even capricious trees. Without a sufficient level of care, it can dry out very quickly.

Why do pears dry on a tree

The most likely cause is moniliosis, a fungal disease.

Why does a young pear dry

Carriers of infection are birds, insects, wind. Part of the fruits affected by moniliosis crumble, the rest dry on the branches. The second name of the disease is fruit rot. It develops during periods of high heat and humidity. Preventive measures are needed – pruning, removal of diseased fruits, spraying pears at a certain time of development.

Another reason is the insufficient nutrition of the pear seedling, the wrong watering schedule.

How to save a pear that dries

The first step is to determine the exact cause of the shrinkage. Of course, if possible. When this is not possible, then check each item listed in the article earlier.


Treatment with chemicals is used in the presence of fungal diseases on a pear or the appearance of pests. It is easiest to fight if the necessary preventive spraying has been carried out. For medicinal treatments, copper-containing preparations or fungicides are used. Among modern drugs, antibiotics stand out, which are very effective in drying out pears. Insecticides work against pests:

  • Bi-58;
  • Decis Profi;
  • Tetrix;
  • Aktara.

The solution is prepared strictly according to the instructions, then the wood is processed. Several re-treatments may be required to get rid of the problem. You need to carefully monitor the condition of the pear. Chemical control agents are not used after the tree has finished flowering.

Important! In any case, remove the damaged parts.

The instrument must be disinfected before and after the procedure.

Biological agents

Currently, new modern biological preparations have appeared. They are not only therapeutic, but also therapeutic and prophylactic. One treatment is not enough. Biological agents are most often photo-unstable and decompose rapidly when exposed to light. For the destruction of pests, the Fitoverm series works well. Aktofit, Iskra-bio, Agravertin belong to the same group.

Gamair, Alirin-B, Planriz, Fitosporin-M are used against fungal infections and for prevention purposes. Protection against rodents is Baktorodentsid.

Folk ways

The most common substance for folk compositions is wood ash. It serves as a top dressing, protection from pests. In the form of an infusion, it is used for spraying, branches and the near-stem space are sprinkled with dry powder.

From ticks, aphids and in the form of prevention of fungal diseases, an infusion of garlic or onions is prepared. It is not necessary to clean the cultures, the husk is also suitable for making infusions.

A solution of baking soda is used much less often, but it is used at the first sign of powdery mildew or fungal infections of the foliage.

Effective use of infusions of walnut autumn leaves, tobacco, wormwood. All these funds are aimed at the prevention and control of pear pests.

Rules for caring for a fruit tree

A very important point for maintaining the health of the pear. The gardener needs to pay attention to the plant at every stage of its development.

  1. Be sure to check the condition of the soil. Pear requires loose fertile land. On heavy clay soil, the roots will quickly begin to rot.
  2. Make drainage outflows at a close location of groundwater or transplant a young tree higher.
  3. Trim and shape regularly.
  4. Remove damaged branches or leaves.
  5. Monitor soil moisture, follow the watering schedule.
  6. Timely feed the fruit plant.
  7. Be sure to draw up and follow a schedule of preventive treatments for the tree. Spraying should be done not only from pests, but also from possible infection of the pear.
  8. Carefully inspect the tree regularly.
  9. Cover the tree before the onset of frost to prevent freezing of the roots or the appearance of frost holes.
  10. Protect from rodents.


If the gardener notices that pear branches are drying one by one in the garden, you need to immediately take action.

Why does a young pear dry

There are several reasons for desiccation. To save the tree, you will need to strictly adhere to the agricultural cultivation practices from the moment the seedling is planted.

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