Why does a dog eat poorly and what to do about it
Illness is a common cause of poor appetite in dogs. If your dog has always eaten well, and then suddenly began to abruptly refuse food, consult your veterinarian.
Pay attention to your pet’s behavior. If he looks lethargic, indifferent, and sickly, try going for a walk with him. See how the dog behaves on the street. If she is not interested in anything and the condition does not change, then the animal is sick.
If the dog does not eat well, then it is not well.
Analyze the events of the last days. Dogs react painfully to the loss or departure of family members or animals. Stress is a direct cause of refusal to eat.
Other possible causes of poor appetite:
- dental diseases;
- ear infections;
- body pain;
- gastric ulcer or oncology;
- side effects from taking certain medications.
If your pet is acting as if something is hurting, give it pain reliever and monitor it. But in any case, it is advisable to visit a veterinarian.
It happens that the dog eats poorly due to hot weather. Puppies lose their appetite during teething, adults – during estrus. Foods with minerals and vitamins may not suit dogs’ taste, so mineral supplements are best given separately.
What to do with a dog if it doesn’t eat well
The best way to get your appetite is to skip one meal. You should not offer your pet something more tasty, let the food be familiar. If the animal only eats half or a third of the serving, put less food next time. The owners often worry that their pets do not starve, and give them a plentiful meal. But too much food is not good.
Such actions perfectly catch up the appetite:
- Active walks. Exercise, outdoor games are very beneficial. Feed your pet about an hour after the walk.
- Snack on salted fish. Sometimes, 10 minutes before a meal, you can give your pet 2-3 salted sprats. Salty whets the appetite. In general, it is advisable to include fish in the diet. Some dogs love to feast on it as well as meat.
- Diet experiments. Find foods your pet likes and alternate between them. You don’t need to constantly feed your dog meat and buckwheat. Alternate between meat, fish, raw and boiled vegetables, and cereals.
If the dog is healthy, after such experiments it will eat with appetite. In other cases, medical attention is required.
An attentive owner immediately notices the slightest deviations in the condition of his pet. And this is the key to a quick recovery of the animal.