Why does a child speak in syllables: only the first, what to do a year

Why does a child speak in syllables: only the first, what to do a year

The situation when the child speaks in syllables is a normal stage in the development of speech. Over time, syllables should develop into words and phrases. If a child is “stuck” on syllables, this is a reason to consult a speech therapist.

Why does the baby speak only the first syllables

The child’s speech develops in stages. It does not depend on the language, and in all children it happens in about the same way. The initial sounds of the baby are screams and crying, although he quickly begins to distinguish the mother’s voice. From about 3 months, lingering sounds or humming appear. This is a baby’s reaction to an adult’s speech.

The child speaks the first words in syllables

The age of 3-6 months is marked by the repeated repetition of the same sounds. These are the beginnings of words addressed to an adult. The baby laughs, moves his mouth, imitating the speech of his mother. Further development of speech is as follows:

  • From 6-9 months, the baby makes the sounds “m”, “s”. At the same time, syllables similar to “ma” or “ba” appeared in his vocabulary.
  • In the period of 9-12 months, the baby tries to pronounce chains of syllables, for example, ma-ma.

From about 12 months old, a child develops words that are associated with the world of sensations and perceptions of the child. He talks about what he sees and feels.

The baby does not utter new words completely. He repeats those sounds that are easier for him to pronounce. This is why toddler vocabulary sounds funny. He can pronounce the word give as “ai”, he calls the dog “av”.

The Infant Dictionary is different about the familiar language, so parents do not always keep track of early words because they expect the words “mom” or “dad” from it. At this time, the child has already mastered a few words, calling milk “ako” or tea “tai”. The new language of the child is syllables. These are usually the initial or stressed syllables.

What to do for a child to start talking by the age of 2.

The kid needs to prepare his vocal apparatus for pronouncing words. In addition to communication, it is necessary for the baby to suckle the breast and switch to solid food in time. Chewing will develop muscles and make words easier to pronounce.

For a child to understand and be able to pronounce words and sentences correctly, it is necessary to speak to him gently, but clearly from infancy. If the mother distorts the words touchingly, she confuses the baby. Later, he will copy the wrong mother’s speech.

The development of fine motor skills of the fingers has a significant effect on the baby.

Thinking and intelligence are closely related to the ability to handle small details. You should refrain from retraining the “left-handed” baby. Let him work with a comfortable hand, otherwise his thinking functions will “go astray”.

The baby’s initial speech is separate parts of the word. Whether the child speaks correctly for his age, a speech therapist can tell you.

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