Why does a child often hiccup in the womb
The expectant mother listens to any movement of the unborn baby and, if the child begins to hiccup in the womb, thinks about the reasons for this phenomenon. In fact, there is no reason to worry, but for your peace of mind it is advisable to understand what causes this phenomenon and what to do at the same time.
What causes a baby to hiccup often in the womb?
From about the 24th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother periodically feels twitching or pulsation in the lower abdomen, hears a rhythmic knock, and from the doctor she learns that it is her baby’s hiccups.
If the baby hiccups in the womb, talk to him gently and calm him down.
There is no consensus among physicians about the causes of this phenomenon. Several assumptions are called:
- The baby is preparing for birth. His lungs are being developed, the central nervous system is being formed. Hiccups are the first attempts to breathe and sip on their own.
- The contraction of the infant’s diaphragm causes amniotic fluid to be swallowed and into the lungs. Hiccups are a normal defense reaction.
- This phenomenon can cause hypoxia or lack of oxygen in the child. In this case, he becomes too active, causing the woman inconvenience.
In most cases, hiccups do not cause problems and are even beneficial for the development of the body growing in the womb. Regular visits to the doctor will eliminate the likelihood of the development of pathology.
What if the baby hiccups in the womb?
Sometimes the baby starts to hiccup quite often. Some actions will allow you to calm the baby and relieve him of hiccups:
- Do some simple exercise. They will improve blood circulation and increase the flow of oxygen into the body. Walking will provide the same result.
- Try breathing exercises for a count of five as you inhale and exhale.
- Maybe the baby is cold? Put on warm clothes and cover your belly with a blanket.
- Try changing your posture. If you are lying, roll over to the other side, sit down. Kneel down and rest your elbows on the floor. A few minutes in this position will soothe the hiccups.
- If the baby hiccups in the womb due to hypoxia, drink an oxygen cocktail more often.
Some women find that a baby’s hiccups get worse if they are very anxious or stressed. This seems to be true, as the tremors subside if Mom calms down and strokes her stomach, whispering tender words about how she loves and waits for him.
Tell your doctor about the baby’s hiccups, get tested to make sure the fetus is developing normally and to calm down. Mom shouldn’t be worried. Her nervous state is transmitted to the baby, causing him to hiccup and push more often.