Why does a child need fairy tales: useful advice from a psychologist

Why does a child need fairy tales: useful advice from a psychologist

🙂 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! All children love to listen to and read fairy tales. It has been and will be at all times. Why does a child need fairy tales? This is a serious topic! Let’s talk about it.

Why do children need fairy tales

While reading, you establish emotional contact with your baby. The little man sits on your lap, he feels safe, his native gentle voice soothes him …

Do not think that a two-year-old will not yet understand the tale of Thumbelina or Chippolino. Try! It is not at all necessary to read from beginning to end. The crumbs don’t have the patience to listen to her. Just retell in your own words and pay more attention to looking at the bright pictures in the book.

Fairy tales give the kid the information he needs. He learns the life of people, animals and fairy-tale creatures. The invented world and reality are often intertwined in his imagination, and many unusual phenomena become practically real for the crumbs.

Be sure to read to him the story of Kolobok and Ryaba Chicken. In these simple fairy tales for the little ones, there are many repetitions that are well remembered, and this will allow the kid to accumulate vocabulary.

Do not forget that fairy tales relieve the tension that collects in the child’s subconscious. They develop courage and faith in justice in the child. After all, a small person already knows that at a difficult moment a good swallow or fairy will come and help. This means that he has support and reliable friends.

Why does a child need fairy tales: useful advice from a psychologist

World of fairy tales

Man grows and fairy tales get older. From “Kolobok” he goes on to the works of the great storytellers: the brothers Grimm, Andersen and Astrid Lindgren.

Now the baby presents himself as a brave knight or hero, mom and dad admire him. And sometimes he wants to be a dragon, a ferocious lion or a wolf. This is how he shows his strength.

The world of fairy tales is always entertaining and diverse. Not only thanks to a set of characters: talking animals, wonderful objects and super heroes.

Magical stories are a treasure trove of all kinds of real-life incidents. They can be considered an excellent training manual. With their help, the child learns the world and its complex laws. Perhaps the story he heard will help solve an important problem for the baby.

Get ready to answer hundreds of questions as you read. A person who learns the world needs to know how a hut on chicken legs is arranged and why the terrible Serpent Gorynych is friends with Baba Yaga, and the noble Gray Wolf helps the brave Tsarevich Ivan to find his beloved.

After reading another fabulous story to the end, talk to the baby. Discuss together: who do you like and who do not, and why? This will brilliantly develop logical thinking.

It will immediately become clear to you how the baby sees himself in real life. Does he like a Boy with a Thumb? No wonder, because the baby is not yet Ilya Muromets.

A little about the great

Everyone knows that the great poet Pushkin had a nanny in childhood – Arina Rodionovna, who told many stories, legends and fairy tales to the future poet. Sayings, proverbs, sayings did not leave her tongue.

Little Antoine de Saint-Exupéry instilled a love of literature and art with his mother, who read fairy tales to her children in a large family.

John Lennon’s favorite childhood book was Alice in Wonderland. The mother of the English writer Arthur Conan Doyle was an excellent storyteller, a quality she passed on to her son.


Let’s draw conclusions why a child needs fairy tales:

  1. A fairy tale is the golden key to a child’s soul.
  2. Fairy-tale characters help the child to become kinder, more responsive and bolder.
  3. The vocabulary is replenished. Logic, fantasy and imagination develop.
  4. They learn to understand what is good and evil.
  5. Empathy for the hero forms mercy and compassion.
  6. Train your memory and formulate thoughts when discussing what you read.
  7. Self-reading helps you learn punctuation and spelling later on.
  8. Reading calm fairy tales with a happy ending can solve sleep problems.
  9. Family reading aloud and discussion of works bring children and parents closer together.

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