Why does a child kick very hard in the stomach?
When the baby kicks violently in the belly, it alarms the pregnant woman. A woman gets used to a certain rhythm and strength of her baby’s movements, and if he starts tossing and turning too violently, this becomes a cause for concern. However, the reasons for being overly active are often quite harmless.
Why does the child kick violently in the stomach?
The first movements of the baby bring a lot of joy to the woman. At first, they are rare and barely perceptible, but with an increase in the term, the weight of the fetus also grows rapidly. After the 23-25th week, as a rule, all pregnant women clearly feel confident shocks.
It can even be painful when a child kicks violently.
A woman should carefully listen to the movements of the child, since this is the only way for him to talk about his condition.
If the child kicks very hard, this may be due to the following:
- The mother took an uncomfortable position for the child. When the gestation period is not very long, the baby is located in the uterus freely, having the opportunity to roll over as he pleases. In recent weeks, he has not had such freedom of movement. He may be embarrassed by a certain posture, which he lets know about with strong jerks. In this case, for them to stop, it is enough to change your position.
- This is how the reaction to external stimuli manifests itself. While in the womb, the fetus reacts to bright lights and loud sounds.
- The woman ate something sweet. Eating a candy or chocolate bar is a popular, but in many cases, an effective way to stir up a quiet baby.
- The child reacts to the emotional background of the mother. Strong tremors can begin if a woman is upset about something, or vice versa, delighted or excited.
All of these reasons should not be a cause for concern.
But there is also a more serious reason: the child kicks violently in the stomach if he does not have enough air. Thus, he tries to increase blood circulation in the placenta and get more oxygen. To prevent oxygen starvation – hypoxia – and not to miss its first signs, it is necessary to regularly undergo the CTG procedure – fetal cardiotocogram.
To assess the condition of the fetus, the doctor may also prescribe an ultrasound scan and dopplerometry. Doppler imaging measures the intensity of blood flow in the arteries connecting the mother and the baby.
If a pregnant woman is worried about severe kicks, she should tell her doctor about it. Particularly alarming is the situation when the child beats extremely hard, and then calms down for several hours.