Why does a cat cough and what to do
The cat coughs due to natural reflexes, as well as in case of serious illnesses. Some reasons require immediate medical attention.
If the cat is coughing, keep it calm until the doctor’s appointment.
A cat’s cough can be different. Record its strength, timbre, duration and presence of secretions. All this will help in the diagnosis.
A cough appears in the following cases:
- getting particles or objects into the respiratory tract;
- allergic reaction;
- bronchial asthma;
- respiratory diseases and rhinotracheitis;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- damage to the trachea;
- worms or other parasites.
These are the most common diseases and situations where coughing occurs.
Dust, smoke or particles of wool sometimes enter the animal’s respiratory tract. To unclog them, the cat sucks in its neck and coughs. This behavior is due to the body’s defensive reflex.
The cause is also bronchial asthma. It is an allergic reaction to particles or microorganisms. Your cat may even be allergic to litter. The cat is breathing heavily and wheezing. Allergies and asthma often appear during the off-season. With a cold and rhinotracheitis, the cat sneezes for a long time, she has snot, tears, and sometimes diarrhea.
The veterinarian makes a diagnosis only after examining the animal and performing a series of tests.
With heart problems, the muscle expands and presses on the trachea. The intensity of the cough will build up gradually. The animal could damage the trachea in a fight. In addition to the appearance of a cough, the cat stops eating and drinking, as this becomes a painful process for her.
During intensive reproduction, worms get from the intestines into the stomach. In this case, vomiting appears. The larvae also enter the lungs and bronchi through the circulatory system, causing short coughing fits.
What to do if your cat starts coughing
If the cough persists for a long time, wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea, or the animal refuses to eat and breathes heavily, contact your veterinarian. Keep your cat calm and fresh air before the visit. Your veterinarian will examine your upper respiratory tract, take x-rays, and take blood tests. Only after that, treatment will be prescribed.
If your cat has an allergy, then eliminate its source: cigarette smoke, mold, dust, household chemicals, etc. A humidifier will also help.
If coughing persists as a result of licking the coat, give your pet a paste to dissolve it.
Against parasites and worms, once every six months, carry out prophylaxis with pills against parasites.
For bronchitis or colds, the cat needs an antibiotic. The veterinarian should appoint him. The treatment will take five to six days. Against viral rhinotracheitis, it is better to be vaccinated in advance. Vaccination will avoid long-term treatment and complications.
Pay close attention to the appearance of a cough in the animal. By contacting your veterinarian in time, you will avoid complications.
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