Why does a burning sensation appear in the throat
We talk about the causes and methods of dealing with the disease.
When the throat is on fire, the sensation is not pleasant. Even if there are no other symptoms, this condition can be unsettling. A burning sensation in the throat can begin for various reasons. We figure out what to do in such situations.
Do not think that a burning sensation is a sure sign of a cold. Sometimes it is caused by reasons that are not at all related to the throat at first glance.
A burning sensation in the throat may appear due to a virus, fungus, or overstrain of the ligaments
Here the most common reasons this unpleasant symptom.
Viral diseases. These include tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. There is an inflammatory process in the throat. Hence the constant burning sensation and perspiration.
Acidic gastritis. Due to the increase in acidity, the mucous membrane of the esophagus and larynx is irritated. A burning sensation is given to the throat.
Fungus. It may well settle on the mucous surfaces of the throat. In this case, a strong burning sensation is accompanied by the appearance of a whitish plaque and bad breath.
Pharyngeal neurosis. This is a problem with the nervous system, which is caused by various diseases, up to syphilis and tumors.
Allergy. A throat burning with fire is one of its manifestations.
Do not discount the overstrain of the ligaments. This is a professional problem for teachers, coaches and other people whose work involves constant loud conversations.
How to beat a constant burning sensation in your throat?
If you are absolutely sure that the burning sensation is caused by a viral disease, then rinsing will save you. For rinsing, use a weak solution of salt and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Gargle as often as possible to get rid of the problem.
Be sure to reduce the stress on the ligaments. Try to speak as little as possible. Until complete recovery, give up singing and screaming completely. Try to moisturize your throat regularly to relieve the condition. Also, humidify the air you breathe. To do this, you can use a special device or a regular spray bottle with water.
If your throat burns, avoid solid foods to avoid aggravating the problem. Eat cream soups, cereals, mashed potatoes, and other liquid and semi-liquid foods.
A burning sensation due to fungus and other problems can only be cured by a specialist. However, even viruses, such as tonsillitis or laryngitis, are best treated by a doctor, as they will only worsen from improper treatment.
If the burning sensation does not go away for a long time, it is better to make an appointment at the clinic. The doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the problem and prescribe adequate treatment. You do not need to endure this unpleasant symptom.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Pulmonologist
-If the doctor has prescribed inhalations, it is important to do them correctly. You do not need to breathe in the old fashioned way over a saucepan, you can burn the mucous membrane. Therefore, use a special device. The steam temperature should not be 100 degrees, but 43, and the humidity should be 100%. Use plain clean water without flavors or mineral water – alkaline – with a mineral content of no more than 2 g / l.
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