Why does a bump appear after a mosquito bite?

The expert told how you can effectively help yourself.

Usually, redness appears within a minute or two after a mosquito bite. It happens that they swell and begin to itch, turning into blisters. Often, such a reaction is characterized as an allergic reaction, which can be stopped by various methods. However, it also happens that an insect bite can cause swelling. The expert explained why a seal appears after a mosquito comes into contact with the skin.

– Before the mosquito comes into direct contact with the skin, it injects a small amount of saliva, says the expert. – It contains anticoagulants that prevent blood from clotting. Thanks to this, the insect can fully saturate with the red liquid. The body perceives these substances as allergens, as a result of which a corresponding reaction is manifested. In this case, it is necessary to take antihistamines. If you are using a specialized ointment, be sure to test it on a small area of ​​skin first. See if it will cause you more annoyance. For babies, use products marked “for children” only!

Folk remedies:

  • Aloe

Cut an aloe leaf, attach it to the bump and wrap it with a bandage. This plant contains essential oils and amino acids that have a bactericidal effect. The juice penetrates into tissues and promotes cell regeneration.

  • Baking soda

Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water. Wipe the site of inflammation with this solution every two hours.

  • Alcohol solutions

To stop irritation, lubricate the bite site 2-3 times a day with 70% alcohol solution. In this case, compresses should not be made so as not to dry the skin.

  • Toothpaste 

Apply a small amount of the paste to the bump. The menthol it contains will quickly relieve inflammation and dry out the wound.

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