Why do young people die? The doctor explains the internet campaign # Nagle21
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The hashtag “Nagle21” enjoys unflagging popularity on Twitter. It is about the deaths of young people who died this year. According to Internet users, such deaths are unusual and are related to COVID-19 vaccines. Is it really so? We ask a rheumatologist and popularizer of medical knowledge, MD. Bartosz Fiałek.

  1. While official reports of vaccine adverse events clearly indicate that most of the symptoms are mild, vaccine opponents believe that COVID-19 preparations cause serious illness or lead to death
  2. When Danish footballer Christian Eriksen suffered a heart attack during the Denmark-Finland game, comments immediately followed that it was because of the vaccine. It was similar when the Argentinian Sergio Aguero had to end his career due to cardiological problems
  3. Vaccines against COVID-19 have also been linked to the death of the dancer Żora Korolyov or the journalist Kamil Durczok, although in none of these cases it was confirmed in public information
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

# Suddenly21. Internet users track deaths among young people

When you type # Nagle21 on Twitter, you may feel uncomfortable. Internet users use this hashtag to collect reports not only from Poland, but also from around the world, regarding unexpected deaths of young people. They include footballers, a swimmer, a firefighter, and a dancer. People in their prime, 20 or 30+, healthy, in good physical condition.

Reading such reports raises concerns, it is fully understandable. Especially that with every news, there are immediately comments that the deceased was vaccinated against COVID-19, so – according to intertnats – it was undoubtedly one of the preparations that contributed to the death.

– In my opinion, some people want to insistently associate every death that is described today with vaccination, or at least suggest that there is a relationship between these events – comments the drug for MedTvoiLokony. Bartosz Fiałek. – I see in this the desire to build political and business capital. I saw that someone posted a screen with the information: “Young man, 21, lost his life”. When the text opened, it said directly that the cause of death was an accident: he was driving a car and crashed into a tree. However, the comments below the text were completely different: through a pinch, he got vaccinated, so he died, “people, open your eyes”. Under the article about a man who died hitting a tree. Not everyone bothers to delve into such news, which is why in some circles there is a belief that it is due to vaccinations. Meanwhile, we do not see mass deaths of people after vaccinations in any statistics. Young people die at a similar rate as they died before the pandemic. Larger numbers may result, for example, from deaths caused by COVID-19 – adds the specialist.

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According to the doctor, the number of deaths among young people this year is not higher than in previous years. If you don’t count the deaths among patients infected with COVID-19. The difference is how we look for information today. Due to the fact that we now focus more on social networking sites than the media, we are more likely to find unconfirmed data.

—Currently, we see a situation where deaths are written much more often. This is, in a way, due to the fact that the role of social media in getting certain messages is significantly increasing. It wasn’t there before. It exploded with the advent of the pandemic. Social media is the primary source of information for most people today. And this is dangerous, because while news portals try to verify data, you can write whatever you want on social media. You can make a tabloid screen and say that someone died suddenly due to vaccination. This was the case even after the death of a famous dancer. Immediately there was a rash of comments suggesting that he had died because he had been vaccinated. And we do not even know if he took the vaccine at all, and if so, when and if it was possibly related to death – concludes Bartosz Fiałek.

The rest of the text is below the video.

What are the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines?

The data provided by the National Institute of Public Health show that by December 15, 44 million 433 thousand were administered in Poland. 935 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. Adverse vaccine reactions have been reported in 16. 677 times. 11 thousand 443 (85%) was mild, so it was mainly pain or redness at the injection site or arm swelling. 1 thousand 553 (11,5%) are serious NOPs: lymphadenopathy, fever, injection site abscess, etc., and 470 (3,5%) are severe (stroke, thrombosis, myocarditis).

The vast majority of severe NOPs did not concern young people, but seniors, with numerous comorbidities.

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NOPs after vaccination against COVID-19. How many deaths have there been? Can it be overlooked?

Based on the NIPH-NIH report, we can analyze the data and find out how many deaths were actually recorded after vaccination against COVID-19, as well as at what age the people who died after the injection.

After Pfizer (who was given the most in our country), a total of 69 people died. The vast majority of such cases concerned the elderly, including even 100-year-olds. The youngest deceased were a woman aged 37 and men – one was 40 and the other 48.

The second most frequently administered vaccine in Poland is AstraZeneka. A total of 12 deaths were found after this preparation. Among people under 50 years of age There were three such deaths: in a 28-year-old and in women aged 40 and 48.

After Moderna, there was only one death (of an elderly person), and after Johnson & Johnson – three (female 43 and 48, and male – 47).

– There are, of course, very rare situations when, for example, a person develops a complication in the form of vaccination-induced immune thrombocytopenia following administration of a COVID-19 vector vaccine. And then it is a difficult NOP, which may end disastrously – says Bartosz FIałek. – And it is also directly related to vaccination. For the other deaths included in the report, the question is to what extent they were related to vaccination. Because it could only be a temporal relationship, not a causal relationship. If we have clear indications that the administration of the vaccine caused a given clinical condition or death, then we absolutely report it as NOP.

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When you remember all the photos with the hashtag “Nagle21”, you get the impression that something is wrong here. These deaths are actually missing in the statistics.

In Poland, the cause of sudden deaths, i.e. deaths that are not a natural consequence of a chronic disease, is determined on the basis of an autopsy – explains Bartosz Fiałek. – Even if the family does not agree, it is ordered by the declaring doctor or the prosecutor depending on the situation. On the basis of the vast majority of autopsies performed, nothing has been found to indicate that the COVID-19 vaccine led to the generation of such changes in the body that led to death. This is best shown by the fact that for over 46 million doses of vaccines administered in Poland, we recorded less than 17 thousand. NOPs, most of which are mild to moderate symptoms and transient. If people did die after being vaccinated, we’d see it first in hospitals and then in the statistics.

Is it possible that the sudden deaths of young people were severe NOPs, but for some reason they were not included in official reports?

If it turned out that those young people who suddenly lost their lives died of NOP after vaccination against COVID-19, they would simply be reported and included in the statistics. If we don’t see it, then the reason was different. Let’s put it straight: there is no reason to conceal such deaths. If a vaccine does not work or is unsafe, a new one is created. Nowadays it is not a problem for this so-called Big Pharma. We do not have a situation where a conspiracy of many people conceals the fact that a given substance is dangerous so as not to lose money. These companies really have so much money and opportunities that they are able to develop a new vaccine within four months. Anyway, this is already happening, because a specific vaccine against the Omikron variant of the new coronavirus is to enter the research in the first quarter of 2022. When the German mRNA vaccine (CureVac) showed only 48 percent. effectiveness, no one concealed it. It has simply not been introduced to the market, and the pharmaceutical company is working on a new generation of the preparation.

“Who will buy these vaccines and drugs if they kill everyone?”

Bartosz Fiałek reminds that when there were earlier doubts about the safety of a preparation, its administration was suspended. This was the case with AstraZeneka in many European countries when it was suspected that it could be associated with very rare cases of thrombosis. It was only when the European Medicines Agency (EMA), after hearing the case, announced that the benefits of the vaccine outweighed its risks that AstraZeneka could be given to patients again.

– There are times when a drug or a vaccine can be dangerous to humans. This is what clinical trials are for. If it turns out that people die after the COVID-19 vaccine, I am 100 percent. sure that this preparation would be taken out of service immediately. Recall at least the time when the US stopped administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, when vaccinated with this preparation experienced several cases of vaccination-induced immune thrombosis with thrombocytopenia. Nobody would be interested in using a substance that kills people, especially since you can create a new one very quickly, which will be safe and thanks to which they will be able to earn much more money. Because who is going to buy these vaccines and drugs if they kill everyone? It doesn’t make sense.

Vaccines do not ensure immortality, says the drug. Bartosz Fiałek. This means that even if we take the preparation, we can lose our life. As a result of an accident, undetected heart defect or disease.

– Certainly it is a terrifying phenomenon when you look at all these obituaries of young people. However, when one starts to study the subject, it turns out that the death was completely unrelated to the vaccine. Anyone who gets vaccinated will eventually die. Just like everyone who got vaccinated against smallpox 150 years ago has already died. Not because of vaccination, but despite vaccination, because it does not give us immortality.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

  1. How many NOPs have been recorded so far?
  2. The five most common symptoms of Omikron infection [LIST]
  3. What medications are better not to take before and after vaccination, and why?
  4. A doctor from a covid hospital talks about the most difficult cases. “Young, unvaccinated are dying”

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