Why do you need to take vitamin D during a pandemic?
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Vitamin D is produced in the body by processes taking place in the human skin, but it requires sunlight. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is recommended to keep leaving home to a minimum. Therefore, a simple conclusion can be drawn – during the COVID-19 epidemic, we are at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D during the coronavirus pandemic

The human body produces vitamin D in the deeper layers of the skin, but requires solar energy to do so. For this reason, in Poland, it is recommended to supplement one of the forms of this vitamin, i.e. vitamin D3, especially in the autumn and winter season, when sunlight is significantly limited. While spring and summer are usually the perfect times for the body to build up vitamin D on its own, this time may be different. All because of the global coronavirus pandemicwhich enforces isolation and limits the freedom to spend time outdoors.

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the government agency Public Health England has recommended vitamin D supplementation for people who rarely leave their home, live in nursing homes, or usually wear clothes that cover most of their skin. In the case of UK nationals, it has already been recommended to use vitamin D between October and March at a dose of 10 µg per day, or a year-round supplementation if you spend little time outdoors. In Poland, a safe daily dose of vitamin D (according to GIS information) is 50 µg (2000 IU).

Be careful!

Not everyone can safely reach for vitamin D supplements. People with certain diseases, including kidney disorders, should exercise caution.

Why is vitamin D important?

The role of vitamin D in the proper functioning of the body includes the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism and the maintenance of good condition of bones, teeth and muscles. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Some research studies show that getting enough vitamin D in your body can reduce your susceptibility to respiratory infections, including colds and the flu. However, there is no evidence that it plays a role in boosting the immune system.

Vitamin D does not protect against the coronavirus

While vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the body, it does not prevent coronavirus infections or treat COVID-19. Nevertheless, it is good for overall health, which is important in a pandemic.

By taking vitamin D in the right doses, we will avoid deficiencies. According to the BBC, According to some scientists, vitamin D deficiency adversely affects the course of coronavirus infection. However, the influence of other factors, including comorbidities, cannot be excluded, therefore the conclusions are not conclusive. Researchers in France and Spain are conducting clinical trials to assess the effects of vitamin D on coronavirus-infected patients. Much research is needed to better understand the coronavirus.

Read more: Fake news about coronavus. They spread rapidly

When should you take vitamin D?

Vitamin D should be supplemented primarily in the autumn and winter period. Due to the limited possibility of leaving homes during the coronavirus pandemic, it is worth considering reaching for preparations with vitamin D. even when staying at home for a long time. If we have the opportunity to spend time outdoors every day, supplementation in spring and summer may not be necessary.

Check your vitamin D levels by doing the Vitamin D Home Test – Cassette or Vitamin D Metabolite Batch Test.

According to the information provided by the Polish Sanitary and Epidemiological Council, adequate skin synthesis of vitamin D is possible with 15 minutes of exposure to the sun each day.


Although exposure to the sun allows the skin to produce vitamin D, too much UV radiation has a negative effect on health. Sunbathing or not using sunscreen promotes, among others, sunburn and the development of cancer.

Read more: UV radiation – human influence, safe tanning rules

Besides the cutaneous synthesis that is the main source of vitamin D, you can also find this ingredient in food: fatty fish, eggs or yoghurts enriched with vitamin D, breakfast cereals or margarine. While a balanced diet is important, it would be difficult to maintain proper vitamin D levels solely with food products.

If your vitamin D3 levels are too low, consider taking vitamin D3 supplementation. At Medonet Market you can buy, among others Vitamin D4000 2 IU Intenson, Vitamin K3 + D3 SOLHERBS or Vitamin DXNUMX SOLHERBS.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

Read also:

  1. Diet and supplements in times of coronavirus. Position of the Polish Society of Dietetics
  2. Nutritional mistakes that weaken immunity. What to avoid in times of coronavirus?
  3. Coronavirus and food. How to prevent pollution?

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