Why do you need to read books and how to develop yourself with their help?

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Today I decided to touch on the topic of what develops reading books. Remember school days when we were asked a lot of literature? And they repeated that it is useful and useful in life. But not everyone willingly believed it. And what then to say about modern children in the era of digital technology? When it became much more interesting and accessible to play video games and watch online cartoons.

What develops reading?

Many great men have been quoted about this process. For example, Stanislav Strumilin said that books give birth to a dream, bring it to life, bring up independence of judgment and make one think. Let’s try to consider in more detail.

  1. Thinking. Our brain is actively turned on in order to understand what is at stake, process new information, build conjectures and memorize stories. The more we devote time to this, the more actively our thinking will develop.
  2. Memory. Our cognitive processes are constantly in good shape due to the fact that we have to remember many nuances to understand the plot. Starting from any terms and uploading a banal description of the main character. After all, if we miss or forget some points at the beginning of the book, we will not be able to understand the whole picture of what is happening, described by the author.
  3. fantasy. We fantasize, trying to guess and anticipate the end. We conjecture moments about which the author preferred to remain silent. Images of characters unconsciously appear before our eyes, over time developing our creative thinking more and more, sometimes inciting us to dream.

Familiarization with stories and scientific literature is an important component in the process of self-development. Many great people devoted most of their time to this. The large library was the greatest value and the pride of many of them.

Joseph Stalin was one of the most insatiable readers among other state leaders. What can we say: Leo Tolstoy, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Tullius Cicero, Honore de Balzac had in their libraries a huge number of various volumes, without which they could not imagine their lives.

And this list is endless. In addition, most of them excelled at speed reading. They could cover a large piece of information in a minimum amount of time, and still understand and assimilate the information.

You can read about how to learn this in my article: «How to increase the speed of reading without losing the quality of perception of information to save your time.»

What else is the use?

Why do you need to read books and how to develop yourself with their help?

  1. Develops horizons. We made a sufficient number of new discoveries in the process of studying stories of various genres, plots, biographies of famous people and historical events. Otherwise, how would we know about the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, how the human body works and how photosynthesis takes place?
  2. Expands vocabulary. In everyday speech, we use about 4 thousand words, it is enough for communication. Agree, this is very small. And thanks to any literature, you can learn new words, beautiful speech turns, remember long-forgotten and unused ones. In addition, by reading sentences without spelling and punctuation errors, we increase our level of literacy. The correct spelling of some words is delayed in memory, so there is no need to repeat the rules or ask for help.
  3. Relieves stress. The person relaxes, calms down and is distracted. The writing inspires, arouses interest and helps to forget about your daily problems.
  4. Protects against Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases. This method is used as a prevention of dementia. This is because in the process of reading, all brain functions are activated, which allows it to be in good shape and maintain memory and intelligence levels for many years.
  5. Helps keep youthful. Yes, dear readers, you will look younger than your years. The fact is that the human body ages faster if the brain does not have enough load for active work.
  6. Improves sleep. If a light novel or a detective story becomes a habit before bed, then over time it will become a signal to the body that wakefulness will soon stop. Agree, it’s better than taking sleeping pills?
  7. Increases self-esteem and helps in communicating with other people. We have already said that literacy is increasing and beautiful speech turns are appearing. Subsequently, this threatens that you will become an interesting interlocutor who can support any conversation. And if you impress others, then over time you will begin to receive recognition, thanks to which you will feel your significance and confidence.

By the way, if you are interested, you can read an article on the development of self-esteem on the blog. Here’s the link.

Paper or electronic media?

Why do you need to read books and how to develop yourself with their help?

The benefit is very great, but it is necessary to clarify one nuance. It must be in paper form, not electronic. Now let me explain the difference.

  • The eyes of the monitor get tired very quickly, and this can cause a headache or blurred vision.
  • It will be easier to understand and memorize the material if you connect the senses at the same time. When turning over, you will feel the fragility of paper, inhale the smell of only published pages or those that have been stored for a long time and have a special aroma that takes you far, far into the plot.
  • Some publications are of such value that they can be passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes they are decorated so beautifully that they can be a piece of art. As a memento to sign. Yes, and you must admit, not everyone will give any digital media for minor celebrations.
  • And what mysterious and interesting image does a person evoke with any volume? There are ideas about his education and intellectual development. At least, he immediately stands out from the general mass of people with smartphones and other gadgets in their hands.

In the process of self-development, books are indispensable. Have fun, new knowledge and enjoy life.

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