Why do you need to pay for discharge from the hospital

Why girls are “cheaper” than boys, and other ridiculous traditions associated with childbirth.

My neighbor Olya is already literally sitting on the bags for the hospital. Not today or tomorrow an heir will appear in their family. Olya prefers to move only within the entrance: suddenly something, and she will not have time to get to the ambulance.

“How much did you pay for Marusya?” – Olya suddenly asked once.

I directly felt my eyes suddenly become one and a half times larger.

“You mean, ‘paid’? – I ask again. – To whom? I didn’t choose my daughter in the market… ”Just in case, I clarified, you never know what is in the head of these pregnant women.

“To doctors, discharged sister,” Olga laughed.

“Discharge – nothing, to the cashier – strictly according to the price list for services, well, Andrei also brought pineapple and champagne, all are Caesar’s on New Year’s Eve,” I remembered.

From Olya’s face, I realized that I had committed some terrible sin. Since I didn’t redeem the child from the hospital, now seven years of curses and wanderings await me. But mothers have been following these traditions for years, which are ridiculous to each other.

Envelope with bow

Why does a baby need an envelope? Most likely, you will take the child home in the car. Most envelopes, especially models with endless ruffles and bows, do not have a special hole for attaching belts to the infant car seat. That is, either you “unpack” this envelope before getting into the car, or you risk the baby’s life and take him without a restraining chair. And if the first option is simply thrown away money, then the second is a fine and maternal irresponsibility.

Can’t you find a beautiful and practical outfit for your child for a photo shoot at discharge? However, a photo session in a maternity hospital is also a dubious event.

Photoshoot in the maternity hospital

A photographer who has been photographing happy parents with babies in their arms for years is probably suffering from professional deformation. No fantasy: “Mommy and Daddy, smile at the child”, “Open the envelope and pretend to be surprised.” In the maternity hospital where I gave birth, in the department there were examples of the work of a local photographer. It seemed to me that this is the same photo, just the faces in Photoshop were changed a couple of times.

What is the point in photographs in the not very solemn atmosphere of a maternity hospital with stale repairs and a crowd of unfamiliar relatives of other women in labor in the background? And mothers on the day of discharge are unlikely to look perfect: it takes time to recover. Although some young parents even manage to look in full dress even in the hospital.

Dresses, manicure and hairdresser in the hospital

«Girls, I have to give birth next week, and I still haven’t bought a dress for discharge, ”a cry from the heart came at the local forum. The poor expectant mother was urgently looking for an outfit, and experienced mothers suggested where to go shopping. I confess that the dress was the last thing that interested me. I threw my favorite sweatshirt and pre-pregnant jeans into my bag. And I was tormented by only one thought: will I really get into them after giving birth? Why dress for one time? For a ridiculous photo shoot? What if it doesn’t fit?

A month before giving birth, I removed the nail polish and went only for a manicure-pedicure without coating. And so, when there was very little left until the “X” day, my master was delighted: they say, are we varnishing? I shook my head: you can’t go to the hospital with varnish, and it’s unclear when I’ll get to the salon next time.

“And what, are you going to be discharged with such nails?” – Natasha was surprised.

Most of the mothers in the hospital were indeed with fresh manicure and pedicure. As you guessed, they did it for discharge and photo session. And some managed to order a make-up artist and hairdresser at the maternity hospital.

“This is the most important day in my life, I have to look like a queen,” a neighbor from another ward told me. I would understand “I want to look like a queen.” But “should”? To whom?

Relatives on discharge

Why call guests when your little one, in fact, goes out for the first time and goes to an unfamiliar place? Why does he need all these aunt-uncle, snotty and noisy? It seems to me that discharge from the hospital is a day only for mom and dad, and relatives can meet a new family member in a few days (or better, weeks), when the baby adapts.

But no, in the check-out room already in the morning several clans of relatives are crowding with balls, champagne and fireworks. They greet me noisily, get into the car noisily and sit at the table just as noisily. But mom and baby need peace. A strange holiday.

Child ransom

This is the cherry on the cake. Why this text was born at all. In the opinion of young mothers, the entire staff of the maternity hospital must be thanked. There is a whole list of who and what gifts to give. Nurses – chocolates, nurses and midwives – cakes and flowers, doctors are supposed to transfer pies, cakes, sausage, caviar, champagne and cognac to the department. The discharging nurse is the one who does not participate in the childbirth process, but only puts on an elegant overalls on your child or packs it in a festive envelope, it is supposed to put in the envelope a thousand rubles for a boy or five hundred rubles for a girl. I didn’t find out why the girl was going with a 50 percent discount. Maybe because some details are missing? Incomplete set?

Moreover, this entire list for most mothers is mandatory. And after all, some believe that they do not thank the doctor in this way, but redeem the child for a happy life. Tradition breakers like me are looked upon as insane.

Of course, this is my view of the discharged traditions. What do you think, is it necessary to arrange a holiday for discharge? And a photo session in the hospital? Did you pay for the statement? Share your opinion in the comments!

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