Why do you need to eat apples every day?

Did you know that apples of varieties “Antonovka” and “Semerenko”, after being removed from the tree, retain all nutrients and useful substances for several months? And the fact that green apples are healthier than red ones? And the fact that apples are second only to seafood in terms of iodine content?

Here are 5 reasons to eat apples every day.

1. Useful for hematopoiesis. The iron content in this fruit will increase your hemoglobin levels. 

2. Useful for poisoning. Since apple plant cells are a natural sorbent. 


3. Reduce the amount of bad cholesterol. 

4. Improve brain function, promote stress resistance and strengthen the cardiovascular system. 

5. Improves digestion and helps to lose weight.

Delicious apples and good health!

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