Why do you need a self-education plan and how to make it?

Good day to all! Self-education is a creative human activity aimed at changing and improving, replenishing one’s knowledge and skills, and the main difference from the usual learning process is the ability to organize the process and control it. Therefore, today I want to pay attention directly to how to draw up a ready-made plan for self-education, so that you can independently advance in the professional and personal sphere and set up the process exactly the way that is convenient and interesting for you.

Where to start?

I have already talked about all the nuances, types and advantages in the article “What is self-education and how to draw up an individual plan”, now I want to show you with an example that it is easy and effective. I have been interested in learning English for a long time, so I will offer a ready-made step-by-step plan as an example, and you can already apply it in any area that attracts or is vital.

So where did I start? Namely, from clarifying the motive, to make sure that my goal is significant for me, and I will not deviate from it at the first difficulties. To do this, you need to answer a number of questions:

  1. What do I want to achieve? Thanks to this question, we create the boundaries of the desired, that is, our goal becomes clearer and more realistic. I want to be fluent in English.
  2. Where am I at the moment? That is, mentally look around, because before we go somewhere, we must first understand where we are going from, right? In the case of development, we consider the current situation, that is, weaknesses and strengths. For example, you speak English at an average level, your vocabulary is about 5 thousand words, but there are problems with grammar, knowledge of tenses is at an elementary level.
  3. What should be paid attention to? Here we set priorities, form tasks. I will focus on grammar, it is a priority for me, simultaneously studying unfamiliar words, and only then will I pay attention to correct pronunciation and the ability to distinguish speech by ear.

Here is what my table looks like

numberImplementation timelineDirection of workActivity Analysis


Search for the necessary literature, sites for communication, applications with which it is possible to conduct testing for self-examination. As well as the search for communities and groups with similar interests for the practice of communication. Writing a step-by-step training plan.
2FebruaryLearning grammar: tenses of verbs.
3MarchVerb tenses
4AprilWays and forms of verbs
7JulyAdjective and numeral
9SeptemberAdverb, preposition, union
10OctoberSentences (their types and members)
11NovemberSentences (word order)
12DecemberRepetition of all previous knowledge gained.
13RegularlyLearn 10 new words a day
14RegularlyEvery day to test the level of acquired knowledge
15RegularlyDaily communication with native English speakers.
16RegularlyOnce a week watching a movie or series in English with translation
17RegularlyOnce a week, translate 1 short article or song



Why do you need a self-education plan and how to make it?

  1. To analyze activities, you can start a separate notebook in which you will indicate all the difficulties that have arisen, and opposite them you will write ways to solve them, and what funds will be needed. In the table itself, just put plus signs if the task is completed successfully.
  2. To learn new words, get a notebook in which you will write them out. In addition to the fact that technologies do not stand still, and everything can be saved electronically, no one has yet canceled retroflection. That is, when you write down something, the ability to remember new information increases. So do not be lazy, and use all the resources of your memory.
  3. Designate time that you can allocate each day to achieve your goal. For example, we define one hour, 30 minutes for studying grammar, 15 minutes for new words and 15 minutes for testing and online applications. Once a week we add 1,5 hours to watch movies or TV shows and 1 hour to translate. And for me, this is the law, only in the case of rare force majeure situations, I allow myself to cut time.
  4. Ask people who are also engaged in self-education, the works of which authors they prefer, what applications they use, perhaps you will be recommended more effective and easy-to-read literature.
  5. A very important point is to determine the final result for yourself, how will you understand that you have reached the goal, and you can move on to new tasks?
  6. Come up with a reward for yourself in case of overcoming overwhelming tasks, when you have to spend more energy and resources. This will help keep you motivated.
  7. Even a favorite activity can become a chore, so be sure to set aside time for a vacation, especially when you feel like you are just forcing yourself to get started on tasks. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so at first, don’t be tempted to put it off.
  8. Create a folder where you will save all the found materials. In this case, the information will be systematized, and you can return to it at any time without remembering exactly where you met it, so you will save a lot of time.
  9. Work with various online applications. Now there are a lot of services, many of them have mobile applications. In English, the best service in my opinion, This one.

Process Analysis

  1. How successful is my activity? Analyze how working and realistic the plan is? Perhaps you should make adjustments to it, increase or vice versa, reduce the time you spend.
  2. What has been achieved? In this question, you will be able to realize whether you are getting satisfaction from success, how much the level in the area of ​​interest has increased, and how far you have progressed.
  3. What bonuses did you receive? For example, I met several very interesting people, I formed friendly relations with them. In addition, I began to understand the meaning of my favorite songs and learned a lot about the culture and traditions of my new English-speaking acquaintances. My self-confidence has increased as I not only learn, but also share my experience with beginners.
  4. What turned out to be the most difficult? What, on the other hand, was easy? This way you will better understand yourself and your abilities. For example, it is difficult for me to perceive information by ear, so I began to pay more attention to watching movies. Thus, there is a comprehensive development, because my skills now help in other areas, I am more concentrated when I listen to another person, even when he speaks in my native language.


That’s all, dear readers! Finally, I want to recommend reading an article on how to set goals correctly, it will help you in drawing up an individual schedule when you determine priorities and ways to achieve it. Subscribe to my blog to keep up to date with new information. Good luck and fruitful work!

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