Why do women lose hair?

Many diseases first manifest themselves as changes in appearance. Nature, as it were, speaks to us with signs. To decipher these letters, you do not need to be a certified doctor, it is enough to have an idea of ​​the laws of the functioning of your own body. Here are some of nature’s ciphers.

First you need to understand whether the hair falls out by the root or just breaks in the middle. It is easy to determine this: take the fallen hair and examine the ends. If one of them has a dark pouch, this means that the hair is falling out by the roots, and if not, then it breaks. “If your hair is breaking, it means a lack of calcium. Try taking mineral complexes containing calcium, ”advises Natalya Kartasheva, homeopath and general practitioner.

If the hair really falls out, and every time you pull on a strand, more than five hairs remain in your hand, then it is quite clear that this is abnormal, and the doctor would say that this is a pathology that needs to be treated. Hair loss can have many causes. Here are some of them.

You’ve probably noticed that stress increases hair loss. This is due to the fact that the vessels that carry nutrients to the scalp and, therefore, to the hair, are reduced, narrowed, and blood does not flow. That is, hair falls out due to lack of nutrients. If you are constantly nervous, then you run the risk of earning a chronic spasm of the vessels of the scalp and, accordingly, losing hair.

Hair loss can be hormonal. To find out if this is your case, you should do a blood test for hormones. This can also occur due to a lack of iron – this will help to find out a blood test for hemoglobin (included in any standard clinical analysis). Hair loss, or alopecia, can also be a reaction to medications – birth control pills, steroids, and even aspirin. And also on taking dietary supplements (the worst effect on hair is supplements containing selenium). Menopause, pregnancy, the postpartum and adolescent periods do not have the best effect on the condition of the hair. This may be due to an excess of testosterone, the male sex hormone. This is the most difficult case, and only a doctor can decide on hormone therapy.

If none of the reasons are suitable, then you should see a doctor, since the prolapse may be associated with serious illnesses – malfunction of the thyroid gland, polycystic ovary disease, diabetes.

“Increased hair loss (more than 50 per day) is a symptom of decreased immunity,” says Natalya Kartasheva. “And in this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.”

Eyes, nails and tongue: what does their condition indicate?

Changing the condition of your nails is a good reason to visit a therapist.

Eyes… Red eye syndrome is caused by dilated or ruptured blood vessels of proteins. There are many reasons for this condition. Some of them are not associated with terrible ailments, and medical care is not required, while others are a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible. You should be concerned about blurred vision or eye pain. In this case, self-medication can only worsen the condition – you should urgently consult a doctor. And hemorrhages, if they are not complicated by pain, will disappear in 1-2 weeks. Yes, if you are prone to conjunctivitis and you know exactly what helps you in case of an exacerbation, it is still better to consult a doctor so that he pick up the medicine that would cure your on-call conjunctivitis once and for all. If there is no pain and visual impairment, then you can try to speed up the process of vascular restoration. Apply sleeping tea leaves in gauze to your eyes, but you should not use vasoconstrictor drops: this is only an additional load on already weakened vessels.

Nails… If the nails suddenly become whitish, this is a reason to donate blood for hemoglobin, its decrease can cause pallor not only of the skin, but also of the nails. “If your nails suddenly turn yellow, then take a biochemical blood test. This may be due to an increase in bilirubin or hepatitis. And white specks on the nail plate are a lack of zinc or calcium. Buy a good mineral complex and drink for two months, and then compare the condition of the nails, says Natalya Kartasheva. – If the nails have gone “in waves”, then you should check the intestines for the absorption of food. “

Language… “If your tongue has become yellow, go to the doctor immediately. It can be a serious disease of the liver or biliary tract, advises Natalya Kartasheva. – And if you have permanent plaque on the base of the tongue, then go check the intestines and kidneys. If your tongue cracks (there are small cracks across the entire surface), you should check the blood and kidneys. “

Face and skin: what to look for?

Facial skin can tell a lot about the state of the body.

Face… The pallor of the face is associated with the supply of blood to the superficial layers of the skin. When the blood supply slows down, that same “aristocratic pallor” occurs. This can be associated with stress (emotional or physical), as well as with a number of diseases – iron deficiency anemia and other types of anemia (with various blood diseases, pallor of the face is also observed).

So if one day, waking up in the morning, you notice that you look like a ghost, go out into the air, and if it doesn’t help, go to the doctor to donate blood for hemoglobin and biochemistry. If the doctor does not reveal any deviations in the analysis, then do physical exercise in the fresh air – this helps to “disperse the blood” and turn brown. If you need to quickly get rid of pallor, you can do contrasting compresses – hot and cold.

Leather… Do you have a lot of moles and don’t want to remove them? Then watch them closely! After all, any change in a mole (or, as doctors call it, a nevus) may indicate the onset of a formidable skin disease – melanoma. The danger is the process of raising a previously flat mole above the surface of the skin. Three signs that should alert you: the dark color of the nevus, a shiny surface and vulnerability that has not been observed before. If you notice such changes in the mole, immediately consult a doctor – do not postpone for a day!

Danger means itching and burning of the skin, an increase in the size of a nevus, induration, swelling of one of the areas or uniform growth of a pigment formation above the skin surface, an increase and sometimes weakening of pigmentation of a mole, bleeding, cracks or superficial ulceration with crust formation, redness.

You always had dry or combination skin, and one fine spring day near the corner of your eye you noticed peeling, the next day it got bigger, and every day it increased until you could not go outside without sunglasses. And after two months everything passed without a trace. What was it? You didn’t use any new cosmetics, you didn’t eat anything new, and you didn’t drink, as they say, in black …

This was usual spring vitamin deficiency: most likely, a lack of vitamins A and E. And it manifested itself precisely under the eye due to the fact that in this area there is practically no lipid layer that protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. If you had guessed about this a little earlier, you would not have had to demonstrate dark glasses in the office. Reception of “Aevit” would fix everything in a matter of days! However, flaky skin can be due to liver problems. So it’s better to go to the doctor, even with such a “trifle”!

Palms and feet: symptoms of hyperhidrosis

Why do feet and palms sweat?

Sweating of the palms and feet… If your palms are sweating, and not just sweating, but so that other people feel uncomfortable when you shake hands with them, this condition is called hyperhidrosis. For a long time, it was believed that hands sweat from stress, but now doctors have realized that this is a violation of the autonomic nervous system. Hyperhidrosis must be treated. This system is responsible for the management of tissues and organs. With hyperhidrosis, the system fails: it sends a signal as if the person is hot all the time, but in fact he is just nervous. But what if a person works on the assembly of computer or electronic equipment? There is no time for hyperhidrosis.

What is the threat of self-diagnosis?

The attitude of professionals to self-diagnostics can be called skeptical. Doctors are sure that self-diagnosis, like self-medication, is the right way to start a disease or even be treated for something other than what you are sick with.

WDay.ru told about his attitude to self-diagnostics German Pyatov, PhD, general practitioner: “Self-made diagnoses cannot be accurate. If there are any changes in the body, then you should consult a doctor. It is generally worth doing this periodically, especially with age. For example, people over 40 need to undergo a medical examination at least once a year.

If you are not a doctor, you are unlikely to be able to determine on your own a narrow specialist to whom you need to contact. Therefore, you need to start the examination with a general practitioner, a therapist at a polyclinic or your family doctor, if any. For example, if the eyes turn red, this can be associated with a variety of diseases – from general therapeutic (vascular pathology, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract) to infectious (viral hepatitis) or ophthalmic (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc.). “

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