Why do we still feel tired? There may be many reasons for this

Sleepiness, fatigue and lack of strength sometimes affect all of us. A sleepless night, prolonged stress or an excess of duties contribute to the feeling of “lack of fuel”. However, what to do when fatigue does not pass and turns into chronic fatigue? It’s worth taking a look at your habits and health – maybe that’s where the perpetrator of the ailments is?

Temporary fatigue is usually nothing dangerous. No wonder we all have a more stressful and busy period at times in our lives. An examination session, an important project at work or a multitude of tasks related to caring for children, can effectively deprive us of energy.

The problem arises when we are tired all the time, although it does not result from objective exhaustion with tasks and overwork. Here are some rules that will help our body regain vitality.

Get enough sleep

Nothing affects our health and well-being as much as good, quality sleep. However, in order for it to fulfill its function properly, several rules must be followed. It is most effective when we sleep 7-8 hours and go to bed before 23 PM. Neither longer nor shorter is recommended.

In addition, at least one hour before going to bed, you should no longer use your smartphone and watch TV – due to the blue light emitted by these devices. We should not eat heavy and heavy meals at night, as this can make it difficult to fall asleep, and also make the body spend energy on digestion instead of resting and regenerating.

It is worth remembering that in an aired room you fall asleep better, and the optimal temperature in the room is 16-19 degrees C.

The rest of the article under the video.

Do your research

Although performing preventive examinations should be obvious to each of us – unfortunately it is not. Many people refer to a doctor only when they begin to experience disturbing ailments that could be avoided if we had regular check-ups. Although drowsiness and fatigue do not seem to be a disease at first glance, sometimes they indicate problems that the body is struggling with. These can be, for example, hormonal or metabolic disorders. Sleepiness can be caused by undiagnosed diabetes or hypothyroidism.

That is why it is worth doing blood tests – including a blood count with a smear, blood sugar level, lipidogram or determination of TSH levels. Of course, a referral for selected examinations should be issued by a doctor who, based on an interview with the patient, will select the most optimal package.

Do you want to get tested?

You can buy a package of preventive blood tests at medonetmarket.pl

Fight inflammation

Often, fatigue is the result of inflammation in the bodywhich may be caused e.g. by prolonged stress, but also by the use of stimulants or as a result of past infections.

– Many people who complain of chronic fatigue have elevated levels of cytokines – substances that appear in the body during inflammation. The task of cytokines is to fight infection, but in addition they cause the body to build up energy reserves that could be spent on other activities. This is manifested by a decline in strength. By eliminating inflammation, we have a chance to regain our vitality – comments Marzena Wieczorkowska, PhD in chemical sciences, expert of the educational campaign “STATTistically very tired”.

The latest discovery of Polish scientists is also the 1-MNA molecule, which occurs naturally in the human body and can affect performance and physical condition, as well as has anti-inflammatory applications. 1 – MNA is a physiological substance of vitamin origin, also found in natural sources (eg green tea leaves or wakame algae). It is formed in our body as a result of the metabolism of vitamin B3. Its operation supports the proper functioning of the mucous membranes, protecting our body against attacks by bacteria and viruses.

– 1-MNA has anti-inflammatory properties, also acts as an anticoagulant and has a positive effect on the energy metabolism of muscles – comments Michał Chudzik, MD, PhD, cardiologist, internist, lifestyle medicine specialist. The conducted research proves that with age the physiological ability to convert vitamin B3 decreases. Dietary supplementation with 1-MNA is therefore recommended especially for the elderly.

You eat healthy – you feel good

And vice versa. If our diet consists of processed foods, junk food, no vegetables or fruits, and we drink sweet, carbonated drinks instead of water, it can make us feel worse and lead to obesity, which is the cause of many other diseases. By dieting, we are able not only to provide the body with the necessary nutrients and vitamins, but also to counteract diseases (e.g. anti-atherosclerotic, anti-cancer or low glycemic diet).

And how should people without specific medical indications, who care about their health, eat? Currently, the basis of the food pyramid is physical activity, and when it comes to food – vegetables and fruit. However, it is important that the consumption of vegetables is several times greater than that of fruit (due to the simple sugars they contain). You should also take care of the supply of cereal products, legumes, seeds and nuts. Omega acids, which can be found in fatty species of fish, are also extremely important. Adequate hydration is essential for health. We should remember this by drinking 1,5 to 2 liters of water every day. Natural probiotics are also very important for health, so doctors recommend including silage and natural fermented products (e.g. kefir and natural buttermilk) in your daily diet.

Get moving everyday

30 minutes of physical activity should be part of our daily routine for each of us. While it may seem hard to find so much time each day, note that sometimes simple changes are enough – going to work or shopping on foot instead of the car, going for a walk while listening to your favorite podcast instead of listening to it on the couch. The most important thing is the movement itself, it does not always have to be intense training. Walks should be varied with jogging, going to the swimming pool, practicing yoga or doing strengthening exercises. The intensity of training should be consulted with a doctor and adjusted to our abilities and state of health. Sport allows you to recover energy, increase vitality, strengthen muscle strength and oxygenate the body.

Physical activity affects both our figure and condition, but also the psyche, because during sports, endorphins are released, which are responsible for a good mood.

As you can see, a slight modification of your daily habits can change a lot. If the introduced changes result in increased energy and combating the feeling of constant fatigue – it’s worth it.

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