Why do we snore after alcohol? There are ways to avoid this

Do you ever snore after drinking alcohol? It turns out that this is a very common reaction of our body to this substance. Even people who never snore start making these characteristic sounds after drinking alcohol. Why is this happening? What is responsible for this situation? Find the answers below!

What happens to our body after alcohol?

When we drink too much alcohol, we sometimes fall into a deep sleep. In such a situation, our body ceases to control its reflexes. Moreover, our body becomes flaccid, which causes its individual parts to “live their own lives”. What does this mean in practice? For example, our mouths open and close involuntarily, making snoring noises.

Do you snore

At Medonet Market, you can buy a nasal snoring insert Antychrapacz, which facilitates breathing during sleep

One more important issue should also be noted. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on our jaw and throat, among other things. As it becomes soft, it begins to block the airways. This creates a narrow gap through which we have to breathe. Therefore, air vibrations begin to be generated, causing the palate and the uvula to vibrate. This is why we start snoring.

Some may notice that the sounds we make when drunk are much louder than the sounds we make when sober. Why is this happening? Alcohol dries out the mouth, making the vibrations of the air that travel through the membranes louder.

Due to the fact that we snore, our sleep becomes restless. As a result, in the morning we are not only dehydrated, but also tired. It all adds up to a hangover.

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How to avoid snoring after alcohol?

Alcohol snoring can be especially troublesome for those who do not soberly. Is there any way we can avoid this? Of course, the bottom line is just… not drinking alcohol.

However, if we cannot imagine our life without, for example, a glass of our favorite wine or a mug of beer, let’s better focus on quality, not quantity. The more alcohol we drink, the more we increase the chance that we will snore at night.

What else can we do to avoid this? If we drink alcohol, we should do it at least four hours before going to bed. It is never a good idea to drink a variety of drinks right before going to bed. Alcohol doesn’t just make us snore. It also worsens our sleep quality and makes us dehydrated. This makes us feel weak and tired in the morning.

For better well-being, it is worth sleeping on a special orthopedic pillow at night, which also reduces snoring. For example, we recommend the traditional orthopedic pillow with a cooling gel insert or the Bamboo Dream profiled orthopedic pillow available at Medonet Market.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to yoga. How to start your yoga adventure? How to benefit from it not only because of pain in the spine, joints or muscles? Check what non-obvious benefits this practice brings and what are the contraindications for practicing it. Listen:

Also read:

  1. Do you feel like you have a hangover even though you haven’t been drinking? The reasons may be surprising
  2. Signs that you have an alcohol problem
  3. What if you drink alcohol every day for a month?

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