Why do we often suffer from the desire to constantly sleep

Before answering this question, let’s understand what is drowsiness? Drowsiness is expressed by a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, a strong desire to sleep and complete indifference to the outside world.

Often this condition is characteristic of people with severe physical and mental overwork.

The physiology of this state is simple. The brain receives a signal that it needs to take a break from external information. Thus, the inhibitory system turns on its conservation mode and does not allow the brain to perceive all external stimuli. As a result, the cerebral cortex and all the senses are blocked and go into a dormant mode.

Signs of increased sleepiness

The duration of sleep depends on the age and activity of a person. For example, babies tend to sleep for 14-18 hours, and this is normal. But for an adult, no more than 8 hours is considered the norm. In older people, the need for sleep increases.

The human body is designed in such a way that it must rest at night and stay awake in the morning. If periodically a person does not sleep at night, then this may be a sign of insomnia or insomnia. Such a phenomenon can soon lead to serious violations.

There may also be the opposite situation, which harms the body no less than the first. Let me remind you once again that during the day the human body should be awake, and any manifestations of drowsiness can become a signal of serious violations.

The syndrome of this condition is also called hypersymnia or somnolence. The reason can be various factors, and for each person they are individual. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult for specialists to solve this problem.

First of all, this condition can be manifested by yawning, increased pressure and slowing of the heart rate. Consciousness loses its sharpness, and actions – confidence. The secretion of the salivary and lacrimal glands also decreases. A person has an irresistible desire to sleep, and regardless of location.

Health problem as a cause of drowsiness

Very often, the syndrome of this condition is provoked by drugs, which include active ingredients with a sedative effect. If, after taking antidepressants, tranquilizers or antipsychotics, you notice that you tend to sleep, then you should consult with your doctor. He may prescribe you another drug with a lesser side effect.

As medical practice shows, such a condition can be caused by serious disorders in the body, for example, pathological processes in the brain, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, bronchial asthma, and so on.

If you yourself cannot explain why you often experience a feeling of drowsiness, then it is better to consult a doctor in order to diagnose the cause in time and begin appropriate treatment.

Causes of Drowsiness

A person who has faced such a problem more than once must have wondered why he wants to sleep so much.

Let’s see what can provoke the appearance of such a syndrome:

  1. Mental or physical fatigue. Very often you can notice how after physical activity or mental work you want to sleep. This is normal, the body just needs rest.
  2. Oxygen deficiency in the cerebral cortex.
  3. Enhanced inhibitory reaction in the central nervous system, which is stronger than excitation. This can be caused by the active ingredients of the medications you take.
  4. Pathological processes of the brain that significantly affect the centers responsible for sleep.
  5. Craniocerebral injury.
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  7. Problems with the function of vital organs. Improperly functioning organs lead to the accumulation of unnecessary substances in the circulatory system. This leads to the fact that the cerebral cortex loses its activity.

What to do with constant sleepiness

So that you are not tormented by the syndrome of this condition, you need to follow the rules of healthy sleep. First, set up your routine. Doctors always recommend doing daily activities at the same time (waking up, having breakfast, walking, and so on). Before going to bed, turn off the light for about an hour, then the activity of the brain gradually subsides.

To cheer up the sutra faster, you need to do exercises. You should not do difficult exercises, we are not preparing for serious competitions. The ideal charging time is 15-20 minutes. Try to have only natural light in the room in the morning. Go out to the balcony, to the street, if you live in a private house, and breathe in the fresh morning air for a few minutes.

Often a person has a loss of strength due to dehydration. If you notice fatigue, then drink a glass of clean water. Believe me, even if this is not the reason for the eternal desire to sleep, the body will still be grateful to you.

If you feel sleepy in the middle of the working day, then you can cheer up with the help of rhythmic movements.

When it seems to you that health problems have become the cause of this condition, it is better not to waste time guessing, but consult a specialist. In any case, this will not be superfluous, but will help in the timely diagnosis of a serious illness.

Often this condition is observed in patients with psychological disorders, such as depression. Then you should visit a specialist who will help save you from this condition. Self-elimination of such causes can significantly harm your health. It is very important that there is fresh air in the apartment and the room where you work, do not forget about ventilation.

Sleep is the key to human health. If you have a good sleep, then you will feel good, mental and physical activity will increase, and your mood will appear.

Remember that any sleep disturbance should be discussed with your doctor.

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