Why is it difficult for people to decide to have their own opinion, why do we need to look for “ours” and why is it important to make decisions on our own? Psychologist Inna Shifanova tells.
Today we live in a situation of culture shock. This is a revolutionary time of changing values and paradigms. The entire previous history of self-awareness by humanity has ceased to suit us, we no longer correspond to the image of a person that was built by generations before us. “Eternal truths” are constantly changing, the mainstream is constantly slipping away. This situation can cause fear and a desire to rely on something.
It is difficult to find “our own”, a reference group in this chaos. And having your own opinion is too disturbing (suddenly it turns out to be “wrong”?). But a person who cannot answer the question: “What do I think about this?”, loses the opportunity to answer: “Who am I?”, there is a crisis of his own identity. And this creates a heavy void that needs to be filled. This kind of boredom is the real misfortune of our contemporaries. TV, especially if you spend all your free time on it, creates a feeling of inclusion in life, but it evaporates when there is no TV. Why do you think sitcoms have off-screen laughter? The viewer wants to know for sure that he is laughing where everyone is, he does not count on his own sense of humor. He dreams of something that could distract him from himself. It is easy for the viewer to inspire any ideas, he becomes easily addicted, because he is already addicted – from television, in which he escapes, and from apathy and responsibility for his life.
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- “Think and believe in your own way”
Reason and reflection in this situation are often replaced by emotions. I hear heated arguments around, the interlocutors boil, lose their temper, quarrel forever – and at the same time it is not even clear why. Freedom, justice, heroism, the nation, patriotism, democracy, liberalism, communism – they argue about this endlessly. Each of these concepts can and should be seriously discussed, rare people can explain what they mean by this. I have a feeling that words become just anchors tied to emotions. In my memory, periods came and went in waves when, with these words, a storm of energy splashed out, sometimes unexpectedly.
It is not surprising that at some point this powerful energy is used. This or that leaders and leaders direct it in the direction of “simple solutions” with the help of “simple explanations”. Everything: well-being, connections, even the instinct of self-preservation – becomes secondary, only a vague goal of a distant future order is required, which will put everything in its place. But such an order is a dream, it happens only in the womb and the afterlife. Therefore, all wars and revolutions end in disappointment, intoxication with struggle becomes an end in itself and requires compensation, which does not happen in peaceful life. Rational goals can be achieved, but they do not satisfy the romantic consciousness.
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- Find distance with screen
The purpose of propaganda is to create stereotypes or slogans. These are crowd control tools.
The purpose of personality is to think and doubt. Do not become part of the crowd, do not allow yourself to be controlled.
“I don’t have to understand 30 games, it’s easier for me to have one,” said one of my clients.
It’s really easier – not to decide, not to choose for yourself.
But the responsibility for the future lies with each of us.
Once a month, several psychologists, writers, and cultural figures gather at the oval table in the Psychologies editorial office. Each of them tells what worries or interests him today. One common topic is chosen – and each of the guests writes a short text. As a result, we get a three-dimensional picture – several opinions on one issue. The theme of our latest Oval Table is “Uncritical Attitude to Information”.