Why do we need peat tablets for seedlings

Planting a seed in a peat tablet greatly simplifies its germination. Growing seedlings also really like peat tablets. Reducing labor costs and increasing germination are understandable reasons for the increased popularity of planting in peat tablets. 

What’s this

Why do we need peat tablets for seedlings

Tablets before and after moisturizing

Seedling tablets are essentially compressed mugs of peat or peat mixture. Mostly riding (often called – sphagnum) moss is used – almost not decomposed, with a small content of minerals. But it is distinguished by durability and excellent filtering capabilities.

Peat is selected finely dispersed, after pressing it is dehydrated and covered with a fine mesh that can withstand significant swelling.

There is a small hole in the center for the seed. Moistened tablet increases in volume up to 7 times.

Applicable types of tablets 

Since they are used for very different sizes of seeds and seedlings, their height / diameter also differ significantly: from 8/24 mm to 30/100. The size is influenced by two more factors – the rate of seed germination and the time until transshipment. Given these factors, peat tablets of different diameters are used as follows:

  • < 3 сантиметра – под мелкие семена;
  • 3-4 cm – for medium seedlings, seeds of asters, marigolds, lavender;
  • > 4 cm – for seeds of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.
Important: To plant in a large peat tablet means to give the seed more nutrients.

Depending on the quality of peat and the additives used, there are 4 classes of tablets:

  1. Ordinary – from sphagnum peat with mineral additives, covered with cellulose.
  2. Peat-humus substrate – in addition to mineral and other growth additives, they include antibacterial components (against root rot).
  3. The highest class of peat – vitamin and mineral growth stimulants are added to the premium class substrate.
  4. Peat with fungicides – impregnation with fungicides protects against fungi, viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.
For reference: neat peat cups, briquettes are also used.
Why do we need peat tablets for seedlings


Why do we need peat tablets for seedlings


Benefits of Seedling Pills

  • the best way to germinate crops with small seeds;
  • complex nutrition in a tablet makes seedlings more resistant, with immunity to diseases;
  • the best way for plants that do not tolerate transplanting;
  • provide high germination;
  • freeing up space;
  • do not require additional power;
  • do not absorb moisture more than necessary;
  • maximum simplification of the work of the gardener / gardener;
  • allow cassette and mini-greenhouse cultivation of seedlings;
  • unlimited shelf life.
Why do we need peat tablets for seedlings

Plastic mini greenhouses

Growing seedlings in peat tablets

First, a site is prepared for planting. It is convenient to use pallets or containers for this. They place the tablets with the recesses up. During watering: either 2 tablespoons per tablet, or the entire pallet – as the peat will not become more wet than necessary. After 15-20 minutes (for the full swelling of the tablet), excess water is drained from the pan.

Keep in mind: Warm water absorbs faster.

  Why do we need peat tablets for seedlings

At the 2nd stage, 1-2 seeds are inserted into the tablet recesses – to a depth of two seed lengths. Sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of humus.

Important: if there are no individual recesses in the container, then the swollen cylinders must be arranged so that they do not touch, otherwise the roots of adjacent cylinders will intertwine.

It is better to lay the bottom of the container/pallet with coarse sand or small pebbles to ensure normal humidity conditions in it.

At the third stage, the pallet is covered with plastic wrap or clean glass, forming a mini-greenhouse. Put the greenhouse in a warm place, but not in direct sunlight and so that it is convenient to approach. It needs to be ventilated from time to time.

And in conclusion – after the planting material is ready (determined by the roots that have entangled the entire cylinder), it must be transplanted to a permanent place. Two days before that, harden it, taking it out to fresh air, or opening a window next to the mini-greenhouse. It’s enough.

Where there were two seeds, either a weak plant sprout is removed, or a strong second one is planted in a separate pot with a nutrient soil mixture, like the first one. 

Why do we need peat tablets for seedlings

Why do we need peat tablets for seedlings

It is not necessary to remove the shell from the cylinder.

Growing seeds and seedlings in peat tablets is grateful to housewives and agricultural technicians – simplicity, purity, increased germination and immunity compared to traditional sowing in a box.

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