Why do we need hair at the fifth point, and do we need to remove it?
A sensitive topic for many girls. And the main question: to shave or not to shave?
Many girls are very worried about the vegetation on the body, and even more so … on the fifth point. But wasting your nerves about this is pointless. After all, this is natural, and every person on Earth has hair on different parts of the body. But questions remain: why does hair grow there and how to deal with it? Let’s figure it out.
Where does the roots grow from?
There is a version that we all descended from monkeys and with evolution, of course, our entire hairline decreased. He stayed only in the “right places”.
Hair on the human body serves to ensure the safety of the body from external stimuli. For example, what do we need eyelashes for? To protect our sensitive eyes from dust or other micro particles. Why then do we need hair in intimate places? According to some gynecologists, hair on the buttocks and pubis reduces the risk of genital infections, although there are those who argue the opposite.
Hair reduces friction between the buttocks, preventing irritation in such a sensitive area.
It is impossible not to take into account the fact that the hair has a “conditioning” function, which allows you to reduce extraneous odors and prevent them from coming out.
Leave or remove hair on the buttocks?
Fashion dictates us trends not only in clothes, but also in intimate haircuts. In recent years, thanks to the Internet, every girl wants to get rid of all her hair in order to look more attractive and desirable to her partner. Therefore, most girls choose the removal option.
In addition, underwear and swimwear have recently become so miniature that they only slightly cover intimate places, which makes it impossible to hide even small vegetation.
By the way, recent studies of sexologists, who are approached by men who have problems in sex, claim that 50% of men love hair in intimate places on a woman’s body. Especially those over 40: the fact is that their first sexual experience and acquaintance with female physiology fell on the years, when girls with vegetation were filmed in porn magazines and films. In those days, no one even thought of shaving hair in intimate places. But even this half succumbs to the general trend “no vegetation” and is not recognized by their loved ones about their true desire.
The bottom line is this: most modern women want to part with the slightest hair in intimate places, leaving only a mini-haircut with decor.
How and where to remove unwanted hairs?
Razor at home
The fastest and easiest way. But, unfortunately, these are the only pluses, while there are many more minuses. Firstly, it is not always possible to shave off all the hairs, and how do you have to twist yourself in order to shave everything off at the fifth point? Secondly, after such a procedure, small scars may remain, and in their place subsequently hair begins to grow in, causing discomfort. Thirdly, coarse bristles, which will begin to grow back in 2-3 days; agree, in an intimate place it is not very pleasant. And finally, do not forget to regularly change the machine, an old razor is a breeding ground for bacteria.
Depilatory cream at home
The same quick and painless way. However, keep in mind that many girls have allergies when applying cream to intimate areas. Plus the inconvenience with independent use: there are a lot of gimmicks, and the effect, alas, is not always one hundred percent – hairs remain.
Professional wax and shugaring
The most popular and affordable ways today. You can also try all this at home, but we warn you that in addition to the inconvenience of application, there is another big problem that occurs every second: your room will stick after the process, and you will freak out.
Wax or Sugar? In terms of painful sensations, in principle, everything is the same. The result will delight you in any way: fast, no ingrown hairs, smooth effect for several weeks. Plus – after regular repetition, you will have less and less hair in these areas, and they will become thinner and less noticeable even with regrowth. The main task is to find an experienced professional and overcome the feeling of awkwardness by exposing yourself in the presence of a stranger.
Laser hair removal in the salon
The most painless method with excellent results. Yes, one of the most expensive, but worth it. The only thing to consider is that before starting this procedure, it is advisable to consult a specialist about contraindications.
Home gadgets
Conventional epilator
Many girls, at the thought of an epilator, immediately lose their smile from their faces, and horrible memories of pain come. But modern technologies do not stand still and every year new models come out that minimize painful sensations. For example, not only dry epilation is possible, but also wet. And they also came up with massage attachments, thanks to them you will feel a slight vibration and forget what pain is.
By the way, there are cool life hacks that will facilitate the procedure… For example, on the forums it is advised to steam and scrub the body before epilation, as well as to use ointments and creams with lidocaine. And remember – with each procedure the body will get used to it more and more, so the process will become less painful.
Laser epilator
There is another way that shy girls prefer – hair removal with a home laser epilator. Today there are dozens of models on sale that differ in design, properties and price. The principle is the same as in the salon – heating the hair stops its growth. Well, most importantly, you will spend from 5 to 30 minutes, it all depends on the zone. For example, it only takes 2 minutes to epilate the upper lip. By the way, the epilator costs from 7000 rubles, and in some salons this is the cost of one procedure for hair removal of the legs. Its purchase can be considered a profitable investment if you prefer the absence of hair on the body.
Whatever you decide to “shave or not shave” – it will be your choice, because this is your body and only you have the right to do with it what you want!