Together with the experts, understands the question that everyone has.
The topic of masturbation was always considered shameful: they were embarrassed to raise it even in a narrow company, and if a frank conversation did take place, its participants instantly blushed. However, times are changing. According to experts, there is nothing wrong with masturbation, on the contrary: it not only brings pleasure, but also benefits your health. In this article, experts will tell you everything you need to know about this intimate process.
Everything you need to know about male and female masturbation
Developer of the pelvic floor muscle training system, expert in women’s and men’s health, author of the program for training pelvic muscles Pelvic Health
Why do we masturbate?
The first thing to learn is that masturbation is okay. The process is nothing more than an exploration of your body and sexuality. By touching intimate areas, people learn what gives them pleasure and how. Someone uses their hands for this, someone – sex toys. Even reading erotica is considered a kind of masturbation: we try to understand what thoughts and fantasies excite us.
Masturbation doesn’t have to end with orgasm, it’s just a pleasant process.
When, how and with whom?
People consciously begin to masturbate at the age of 14-16, but between 20 and 60 they do it much more often. There is no concept of “norm” here. Someone does it every day, someone does it once a month. Some don’t masturbate at all – it’s all individual.
The same applies to the process itself: you can do it both alone and together with your soul mate. By the way, this experience will definitely bring partners closer together.
It is normal for a man or woman to masturbate while in a relationship. Wanting to have fun right now cannot be considered cheating.
Pros of masturbation
Masturbation is needed to relieve sexual tension and has many physical and mental health benefits.
First, it relieves stress. There are those who masturbate before an important event, exam, or performance in order to calm down.
Secondly, it’s a great way to find out your preferences. By touching ourselves, we recognize our “hot spots”. A person who masturbates will be able to explain to his partner what exactly he likes at the moment of intimacy. And this will save you from many problems in the relationship.
Third, for some girls, masturbation can help relieve premenstrual symptoms. Others can fall asleep faster while masturbating to tone the muscles around the genitals.
If you develop the tone of the muscles that are directly involved in the process of masturbation and orgasm, then the sensations will be much brighter and more pleasant. A woman with “conscious muscles” always feels better what is more pleasant for her. Moreover, the very process of contraction and relaxation of muscles during orgasm is much more tangible and clear, giving pleasure to both partners.
Can masturbation be harmful?
Masturbation can be considered harmful only if it starts to interfere with the daily routine, provoking lateness.
Important: in no case should you touch yourself with unwashed hands or dirty objects.
Have fun and remember: everything you do with the body is your own business. The more you get to know yourself and your needs, the healthier and happier you become.
Sexologist’s opinion
– Masturbation is really a normal phenomenon of a person’s sexual life. And it begins, contrary to popular belief, not in adolescence, but in childhood. Naturally, not for everyone, but both the early onset of masturbation and its absence is a variant of the norm.
As practice shows, the process of masturbation is not always safe. And this must be taken into account when saving your intimate photos or texting with your partner. Now the issue of safe sex includes a section of cybersecurity.
Can masturbation do more harm than informational harm?
Yes. When it happens regularly several times a daywhen used for it strong sexual stimulants (porn or additional items). All this can weaken the sensitivity, and in the future, in sex with a partner, it will be difficult to achieve orgasm.
It is also dangerous to use items that are not intended to stimulate the genitals, which can leave abrasions, get stuck, in contrast to specialized sex toys, which are made of special materials, therefore, they minimize the risks. But even with them, very intense and frequent masturbation can lead to loss of sensitivity.
The optimal frequency can vary for different people from very rare episodes to 1-2 times a day. But all this is very individual and depends both on the presence of a constant and suitable partner for sex, and on the preferences of each person. In sex, the most important thing is a reasonable approach and safety. This is the only way to relax and have fun.