Teeth in Miller’s dream book
Just to see teeth in a dream – to diseases or contacts with overly fussy people who will take away your strength with their activity.
If you dream of your teeth, which are the right amount, then after a series of tests your valuables will be returned to you. If your teeth are very beautiful and you admire them, then you will find peace from fulfilled desires and a meeting with your beloved friends.
- Artificial teeth dream of difficulties and struggle.
- Breaking teeth in a dream signal: you are too tired, this will have a bad effect on your well-being and work.
- Crooked, bad teeth are the harbingers of a whole chain of problems: from the collapse of one’s plans and expectations to poverty and disease, up to nervous exhaustion.
Brushing or rinsing your teeth warns: to save your happiness, you need to try hard. If a doctor brushed your teeth in a dream, but soon they turned yellow again, then you need to carefully choose business partners: you will entrust the protection of your interests to people who will become a victim of a swindler. If the plaque fell off by itself, and the teeth returned to their former beauty, this indicates that your health problems are temporary.
To remain without teeth in one way or another is always unfortunate: a tooth was removed by a dentist or you spat them out – to a serious and long illness of you or your loved ones; to lose – to a blow to pride and vain work; knocked out – to the machinations of enemies; remove it yourself because of their illness, decay – to become a victim of hunger and death (a dream about how you pull out your tooth, then lose it, try to feel the hole with your tongue and do not find it – an unwanted meeting with a certain person awaits you Communication will continue and bring you pleasure, even despite the sidelong glances of others).
It matters how many teeth you have lost: one predicts bad news; two – the onset of a black streak in life due to your negligence; three – big troubles; all – various sorrows and misfortunes.
Teeth in Vanga’s dream book
White healthy teeth in a dream promise well-being in all areas: a stable job, happiness in the family, financial stability. Black and rotten teeth advise you to reconsider your schedule. Wear and tear will backfire in the future.
Fallen teeth predict the death of someone from your environment. If the loss of a tooth is bloody, you will lose a relative. The death of a person close to you will be violent, and the killer will not be found if your tooth was pulled out in a dream. But do not blame yourself for anything, you could not influence the situation, no one can escape fate.
If you have no teeth in a dream, get ready for loneliness in old age. Your life will be bright and eventful, but you will outlive all your loved ones and be left alone with your memories.
Teeth in Islamic dream book
Teeth are associated with family members. There are different interpretations. The front ones (under two from below and from above) are children, brothers and sisters; the next two are uncles; further – older relatives (upper chewing teeth – on the paternal side, lower ones – on the maternal side). According to another version, the teeth on the right side are associated with the dad’s family, on the left – mom (upper – men, lower – women). What tooth is missing – such a relative will not be with you. If all the teeth are missing – this is a good sign, which means that you will have a long life, you will die the last in the family. If the teeth are white, in excellent condition, then this indicates the well-being of the corresponding family member. Gold teeth are harbingers of illness or gossip (or symbolize wise and talented people among your relatives); silver – material losses; wood, glass or wax – to the death of the one from whom they grow. To pull out a tooth and hold it – to the appearance of a child, gaining a brother, making a profit. Family scandals are worth waiting for after two dreams: in which you knock your teeth, or they increase in length and width.
Teeth in Freud’s dream book
Teeth are associated with self-satisfaction and the fear that this will be known or punished for it. Toothache in a dream reflects the desire for masturbation. The exception is if you actually have a toothache.
The loss of a tooth (pulled out, fell out) betrays a subconscious fear of being castrated for masturbation. Loosening a tooth for its speedy loss says that you are interested in masturbation more than sexual intercourse with persons of the opposite sex. Strong, beautiful teeth dream of those who envy the intimate relationships of their friends.
Dreams about teeth for women are usually a symbol of children.
Teeth in Loff’s dream book
A curious fact – the loss of teeth in a dream is often justified simply by physiology: hypersensitivity or grinding of teeth in reality. Dreams about missing teeth are not nightmares, but they also carry an unsettling connotation. If you lost your teeth in a dream and are embarrassed because of this, get ready for the fact that you will be embarrassed, lose your face.
Teeth in the dream book of Nostradamus
Teeth correlate with the loss of vitality, various anxieties and problems. So, if your teeth were pulled out in a dream, then you are afraid of losing someone close to you; if the teeth fell out on their own in a dream, then you need to be more decisive and active, it is your confusion and inaction that prevent you from solving your tasks. A toothache in a dream promises personal problems in reality. Spoiled, crumbling teeth speak of an impending disease. An empty hole instead of a tooth is interpreted as the extinction of vital energy and early aging.
Teeth in Tsvetkov’s dream book
White, even teeth in a dream promise you good health and success. Rotten, sick people dream of conflict, illness. Do you brush your teeth in your sleep or buy toothpaste? Get ready to meet the long-awaited guest. You will be able to get rid of an obsessive person if a tooth is pulled out in a dream. Broken teeth will bring you bad luck. But inserting teeth in a dream is a good sign, profit awaits you. Artificial teeth warn: there will be falseness in love. Following a dream in which you saw bloodied teeth, you may lose a relative.
Teeth in the Esoteric dream book
Neat teeth that attract attention speak of future small purchases. Acquisitions will fail if the teeth are crooked. But rotten, diseased teeth signal: be careful, an informer has wound up in your environment. If you dream of teeth not in your mouth, but simply separately, then everyday troubles await you – mold, bugs. For trade workers, a dream predicts damage, shortage. Teeth that fell out without pain say that extra connections that didn’t matter much to you will leave your life on their own. If the process of tooth loss is accompanied by bleeding, then parting will be painful. The dream in which your teeth are pulled out is interpreted similarly, with only one clarification – the initiative to break the relationship will come from you. Brushing your teeth promises extra acquaintances. Avoid them, they will only take your time and effort.