Why do spathiphyllum leaves dry
Spathiphyllum (“female happiness”) is an unpretentious houseplant with flowers that look like the sail of a ship. With proper care, “female happiness” blooms for six months, then it needs a period of rest. But sometimes the plant changes color and begins to lose leaves. Why do the leaves of spathiphyllum dry? How to protect an indoor flower from premature wilting and death? You will find the answers in this article.
Why do the leaves of spathiphyllum dry?
Spathiphyllum: the tips of the leaves dry, what should I do?
The main reasons for the change in the color and state of the foliage in “female happiness” is the lack of moisture. Under natural conditions, plants of this species grow in a humid environment, in swampy areas and in the tropics.
As soon as the leaves of the spathiphyllum began to change their color, and their tips began to dry, emergency measures must be taken. The first thing that professional florists recommend is to carry out water procedures, that is, bathe a flower under a shower from a watering can. In this case, water is used warm and settled or filtered.
If the plant stands next to a heating device, then after detecting drying foliage, it must be rearranged to a cooler place.
For normal growth, “female happiness” is enough diffused light, but direct rays damage the surface of the leaves, so they fade and dry. To increase the humidity in the room where the flower grows, a plastic (glass) bowl of water is installed on the heater, or the battery is covered with a wet terry towel.
The leaves of the spathiphyllum also dry out from an excess of moisture. This is due to decay of the roots with frequent and abundant watering of the flower. “Women’s happiness” is watered when the upper part of the soil is completely dry. That is, the flower does not need daily watering with sufficient humidity.
You can fight pests with onion and garlic broth, insecticides. Mold and mildew are removed with an antiseptic soap solution.
Despite the fact that spathiphyllum is considered an unpretentious plant, it still requires special attention and care. A caring hostess “female happiness” will delight with flowering and original appearance all year round.