Why do some women have hair on their hands? This can be a very disturbing symptom

Hair covers most of the human body. It is natural that more of them accumulate in some places, but as the hair becomes thicker, darker and more visible, the situation may indicate the development of various diseases and disorders. Too much hair on a woman’s body should raise some concerns and suspicions. In what situation can we talk about hirsutism? Why do women have hair on their forearms?

  1. There are places on the female body that are usually covered with fine hair
  2. However, there are also those that should not be hairy, and the stubble in these areas can be a disturbing signal about the health condition
  3. In addition to the presence of hair, it is also worth paying attention to their number and color – extremely thick and dark hair can be an important and disturbing symptom
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Hairs appearing on the legs, face or forearms are a natural phenomenon. It’s okay if they stay clear and not too much build up. The fair hair that each of us has on our faces should not worry or cause us to worry about our health. The situation becomes quite different when the hair turns dark and thick, making it more visible and often embarrassing or complex. The same is true when hair in an intensified amount accumulates on the forearms of a woman. What could be the cause of this situation and how to check if hair is normal or a symptom of a disease?

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Hair loss in a woman – when can it indicate a disorder?

Women’s hair is quite a delicate topic. Each representative of the fair sex is different, bodies differ from each other, and the hair, its color and distribution are an individual, genetically determined matter. When can we speak of abnormal hair on the female body, and what is a completely natural phenomenon?

Hair in healthy women is located on the legs, forearms, above the mouth, in the bikini area, on the toes and buttocks. Natural areas where single, fine hairs may appear also include the nipple area. Everything remains normal unless the hair becomes problematic, thick and dark.

Where should a healthy woman not notice her hair?

  1. on the back;
  2. between the breasts;
  3. on the cheeks;
  4. on the chin;
  5. on the lower abdomen.

If you have noticed disturbing hair, which is additionally thick and there is more and more of them, you may be struggling with a disorder or disease. A good decision will be to go to a specialist – a gynecologist or endocrinologist who will help dispel any doubts.

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Where does unwanted hair in women come from?

Natural facial hair and body hair is sometimes called peach fluff. It is bright hair that covers the lion’s share of the human body. As they are inconspicuous and very subtle, they are not a hindrance in normal life, they are not unsightly or masculine. When dark hair accumulates on the body, the structure of which differs significantly from the previously described fluff, women should find the cause of the change. What could be the reason why women have hair on their forearms?


Excessive hair on a woman’s body – whether it is on her face or on her forearms – can signal certain abnormalities in the body. An example is hirsutism. This is the disorder that most often affects adolescent girls. In addition to unwanted hair, the voice also undergoes metamorphosis, which becomes low and thick. Although hirsutism is mainly associated with body hair, the disorder does not just manifest itself with unwanted, extra hair. There are a number of changes that can be compared to masculine development. These include the accumulation of facial hair, reduction of the size of the breasts, male pattern baldness and a noticeable increase in muscle mass.

The cause of the disorder is the increased concentration of androgens – male sex hormones. According to data published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology Trusted Source, hirsutism suffers from 5-10 percent. women around the world. Women of Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and South Asian origin are most at risk of developing the disorder. Additionally, it has been noted that hirsutism is a genetic condition. As a result, there is a certain chance that if a woman in the family is struggling with excessive body hair that accumulates in areas characteristic of men and then spreads to the rest of the body, other ladies may also suffer from the disorder.

Hirsutism does not pose a health risk if hormone levels remain within the normal range and are under the supervision of an endocrinologist. Excessive hair combined with hormonal imbalances can be dangerous for a woman.

Polycystic ovary syndrome – PCOS

The Office of Women’s Health Trusted Source, an appreciated source of information and medical news, mentions that PCOS is one of the most common causes of hirsutism, causing excessive forearm and body hair in women. In addition, along with troublesome hair, ladies often face overweight and acne. The cause of the problems is again a hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by the formation of cysts on the ovaries.

Diseases of the adrenal glands

Another cause of excessive hair growth in women can be adrenal diseases such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia or Cushing’s disease. Then there is an overproduction of androgens. The excess of male hormones creates uncomfortable stubble, forearm hair, and hard-to-get rid of hair that covers more and more areas of the body.

Other possibilities that can cause hirsutism are tumors or adrenal gland cancer.

Taking certain medications

In addition to struggling with the diseases and disorders described above, hair in women on the forearms and other parts of the body may be caused by taking specific medications. The growth of unwanted hair can be enhanced by, among others: anabolic steroids, testosterone or immunosuppressive drugs.

There are no clear reasons

Medicine also knows cases where a disorder such as hirsutism develops for no apparent reason. The lack of medical origin makes the treatment of this troublesome ailment much more difficult. We are then talking about Fr. idiopathic hirsutism.

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