Why do red spots appear on the skin?

Why do red spots appear on the skin?

The skin is the organ that primarily signals problems in the body. The general state of health and the condition of the skin are always in close relationship – this is a scientifically proven fact. Very often, a symptom of a disease is the appearance of red spots on the skin.

Rashes on the body do not always indicate dangerous conditions that threaten life. They can appear after suffering stress or after prolonged emotional stress and will go away on their own when the person calms down. However, in some cases, red spots indicate diseases that require immediate medical attention.

Stress and disruption of the nervous system

Strong emotional upheavals, psychological and physical stress can lead to the appearance of a rash. As a result, a person develops vegetative-vascular dystonia, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems fail, and vascular tone suffers. This will certainly affect the condition of the skin with the appearance of red spots. They can remain on the dermis for quite a long period of time.


Why do red spots appear on the skin?

Red spots on the body are often the result of allergic reactions. They can be a symptom of hives or an allergy to cold, that is, they appear immediately after contact with the allergen. Sometimes spots occur in response to a delayed-type allergic reaction.

To establish the allergic nature of the rashes, other symptoms of the disease, such as itchy skin, should be evaluated. It should be understood that immediate allergic reactions can be very dangerous for human health and even life, therefore, they require the provision of qualified medical care.

Allergic diseases that have a chronic course provoke the appearance of a skin rash in the form of spots. These are pathologies such as atopic dermatitis and eczema. At the same time, even minor errors in nutrition or the penetration of allergens into the body through the skin can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. The appearance of new rashes is always accompanied by severe itching.

Infectious diseases

For the doctor, the nature of the spots, their location and appearance are of great importance. Often, one look at skin rashes is enough for a specialist to suspect a particular disease. The nature of the spots will be different for mycotic, viral and bacterial infections.

Viral diseases

Why do red spots appear on the skin?

In diseases such as measles, rubella and chickenpox, it is the appearance of spots on the skin that is the first symptom of infection. In each case, isolation of the patient is necessary in order to prevent the development of a mass outbreak of a viral disease. Therefore, timely examination of the doctor and the correct diagnosis are so important.

Characteristic features of rashes in various viral infections:

  • With measles, spots first fill the face, then the rash begins to “fall” on the body. In parallel with this process, rashes filled with liquid appear.

  • The red spots that occur with rubella begin to peel off and crust over after 3 days. A favorite place for their localization is the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, as well as the body. If you press on the elements of the rash, they turn pale.

  • Those rashes that appear with chickenpox very quickly form vesicles and pustules. Chicken pox gives rashes all over the body.

In adulthood, chickenpox manifests itself with other symptoms.

Diseases caused by bacteria

Why do red spots appear on the skin?

Streptococcus more often than other bacteria, provokes the appearance of spots on the skin. This dangerous microorganism causes diseases such as: scarlet fever, erysipelas and streptoderma.

The location of the spots and their nature is strictly specific for each bacterial infection. In addition, they all have additional features. For example, with scarlet fever, rashes are always accompanied by tonsillitis.

Fungal diseases of the skin

Why do red spots appear on the skin?

With fungal infections, red spots often appear on the skin. Sometimes they accompany a disease such as candidiasis, which is widespread. If rashes appear on the skin with thrush, this indicates a generalized form of infection and indicates a deficiency in the patient’s immune system.

Accompanied by the appearance of red scaly spots on the skin ringworm. The fungus affects the scalp, but its detection in other parts of the body is not excluded.

Autoimmune diseases

Diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, psoriasis lead to the appearance of red spots on the skin.

The spots tend to peel off in lupus erythematosus. With scleroderma, spots form in the area of ​​scarring on the skin. In each of these cases, new rashes will appear with an exacerbation of a chronic autoimmune process.

A disease with an unknown etiology is psoriasis. However, experts tend to classify it as an autoimmune disease, as it always develops against the background of disorders in the immune system. In this case, the rash appears mainly on the skin, but if the patient’s condition worsens, the scalp, nail plate and joints are affected.

Thus, red spots can indicate a wide variety of diseases. To determine what kind of pathology they indicate, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

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