Why do pregnant women need to drink plenty of water?

Water is the basis for the life of any organism. During pregnancy, the need for water increases significantly, and there are several reasons for this. 8-12 glasses a day is your norm if you are going to be a mom soon.

Blood volume increases

With the onset and development of pregnancy, the blood volume of the expectant mother increases by one and a half or more times. This is necessary to provide two organisms with nutrients and vitamins. Blood is 80 percent water, and you should drink plenty of water to keep the circulation flowing. In this case – at least the same one and a half times more.

There is a risk of urinary tract infections

Due to the location of the fetus and the pressure inside, as well as hormonal changes, pregnant women, alas, increase the risk of urinary tract infections. A large amount of water helps to remove bacteria from the body and helps prevent these diseases.


Amniotic fluid increases

Amniotic fluid is 99 percent water. From mid-pregnancy, their number increases very quickly, and you need to drink plenty of water to produce them. Already at 37 weeks, the amount of amniotic fluid reaches 1-2 liters, so an additional couple of glasses of water are required.

Swelling appears

It may seem to you that drinking a lot of water can provoke swelling, but in fact, everything is exactly the opposite. It is in order to avoid edema that you should drink a lot of water so that the blood circulates normally, and excess salts are removed from the body, which retain fluid in the body.

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