Why do pregnant women dream of death: what do the dreams of a woman mean?

It turns out that many women expecting a baby have similar dreams.

“I dreamed all the time that I was forgetting him somewhere: in a trolley in a supermarket, locked in a car in a child seat, and especially often for some reason in a closed room in a gym,” complains a friend who is expecting her first child. Dreams make her experience – suddenly prophetic.

It turns out that she is not alone: ​​many mothers say that they had strange dreams during pregnancy. But all these terrible visions are not at all prophetic and not prophetic. It’s all about the increased level of anxiety in expectant mothers.

“Pregnancy can be scary, scary and very emotional. Dreams reflect all our experiences and horrors, even if we are not aware of them, says Laurie Lowenberg, sleep doctor and author of a series of books on dreams. – Dreams should not be frightening. They even help us – they slowly rebuild their thinking on the mother’s wave. “

The scientist told what the most common dreams that frighten pregnant women mean. We have selected six of the most typical ones.

1. Dream: giving birth on the floor or in the trash

Value: such a dream is usually seen by women who are expecting their first child. “Childbirth on the floor or even in the trash can is the embodiment of the multiple fears that a woman experiences during her first pregnancy,” says Lowenberg. “After all, the expectant mother has to deal with so many new unknown things.” And such dreams are also associated with the fact that the first births that we witness are the births of our pets. And they usually happen just on the floor. Or among the trash.

2. Dream: the belly becomes transparent

Value: a woman just can’t wait to see her baby as soon as possible. Usually, such dreams are dreamed at the moments when parents find out the gender of the future baby or come up with a name. Mom already feels how the child moves in her stomach, begins to fantasize what hair he will have, what color his eyes will be. It is this outburst of fantasy that provokes “transparent” dreams.

3. Dream: you see yourself having sex

Value: “Dreams about sex usually start in the second trimester. At this time, the toxicosis is over, and the body is changing, acquiring exciting curves, ”explains Lowenberg. The woman begins to perceive herself in a new way, hence the fantasies about sex.

4. Dream: forget or lose a child

Value: many mothers complain about such disturbing dreams. Awareness is gradually growing what a huge responsibility awaits a woman. After all, she has to take care of a new person. The fear of losing a child or forgetting him somewhere is growing stronger. Therefore, it is reflected in our dreams.

5. Dream: anger, aggression and / or fighting

Value: Similar feelings come to expectant mothers’ dreams in the last trimester.At this time, a woman experiences not only psychological inconveniences, but also physiological ones. Aching back, swollen legs, annoying husband’s behavior – everything is reflected in dreams. “A woman starts to get annoyed and angry about things that she, not being pregnant, would not pay attention to, let alone feel discomfort because of them,” says Lowenberg. “Such dreams allow the expectant mother to bleed off steam – in a dream she throws out her aggression, throws it out of her head.”

6. Dream: death

Value: a dream in which we see our own death cannot but be alarming. Lowenberg believes that death is dreaming on the eve of change. “When we see our death, we subconsciously prepare our thinking for the coming changes. After all, a new life in a new capacity will soon begin – you will become a mother, ”the expert is sure. It turns out that death is just parting with the old way of life.

And if you see someone else’s death, this may mean your subconscious willingness to change your relationship with the person who “died” in your head, or even break this connection altogether. In general, in any case, death is a sign of change: in relationships, habits, lifestyle, etc. If you remember this, terrible dreams will no longer scare you so.

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