Why do not receive and send SMS from the phone
Problems with the delivery and sending of messages can piss anyone off. We understand why SMS are not received and sent from the phone and how to fix it

Despite the fact that everyone around uses Internet messengers, sometimes you need to send or receive a good old SMS. At least in order to log in to WhatsApp or Telegram. It may happen that messages are never delivered to the subscriber. We understand the reasons why SMS do not come and are not sent from the phone.

Why do not SMS come and what to do

The causes of problems with SMS delivery can be hidden both in the mobile phone and in the SIM card. A service engineer for the repair of equipment will help us figure out this simple but tricky issue. Artur Tuliganov. Let’s start with commonplace things that are easy to fix.

1. Not enough free space.

Perhaps only owners of old push-button phones can face such a problem. The fact is that in these models the amount of free memory is limited, so new messages simply “do not fit” into the phone. The solution is simple – delete unwanted messages from memory.

2. Cellular network congestion.

Yes, that can’t be ruled out either. This can happen at the moment when all subscribers start using the network at the same time. For example, immediately after the New Year, everyone is in a hurry to congratulate their loved ones. But it is worth waiting 10-20 minutes and everything will return to normal.

3. Problem with the SIM card.

For some reason, there may be problems with the contact of the SIM card and the phone. To exclude this possibility, insert a known working SIM card into your smartphone. If the problem with receiving SMS remains on this number – take the device to a service center. Most likely, the matter here is in the hardware of the device.

4. Messages end up in spam.

Your phone may have an automatic filter built into it that blocks received messages as spam. Temporarily turn off the message filtering function in the message settings and check if you receive messages. If yes, then turn off the spam filter permanently.

5. The interlocutor was in the “black list”.

Technically, the situation is similar to the previous one, only messages from one individual user remain in the block. A contact may, for some reason, be blacklisted on your phone and all messages from him will be blocked. Check if there is a subscriber from whom you cannot receive messages. If yes – delete this number.

6. Messages are blocked by the installed application.

And again, the software of the smartphone will be to blame here. It is likely that you have installed some kind of program designed to protect your smartphone from crooks. An overly aggressive filter will block all messages it considers suspicious. The solution to this problem is simple –disable or uninstall all security apps from your phone

Why are SMS not sent?

The reasons for which SMS may not be sent may be similar to those for which SMS are not received. But there are also some differences. Let’s start with the simplest again.

1. Wrong number dialed.

We send SMS not so often, so be sure to check the correct dialing of the numbers of the number. The subscriber number in Our Country can begin with the number “8” or the character set “+7”. Next comes the three-digit operator code and the seven-digit subscriber number.

2. SMS is not sent after changing the SIM card.

It often happens that after changing a SIM card or an operator, users notice oddities in the operation of SMS. And it’s not just that. The system deliberately blocks received and sent messages so that criminals cannot immediately access important information, even if they managed to “hijack” the number. Usually the unit turns off a day after operations with a SIM card.

3. SMS are not sent due to lack of money on the account.

It often happens that after paying the basic tariff, there are no funds left on the subscriber’s account to pay for sending SMS. Check the balance in the operator’s application or code “*100#”. If there are not enough funds, then pay the required amount or connect an unlimited SMS package.

4. The number for sending SMS is not configured.

Before going to another subscriber, the SMS enters a special “gateway” of the operator, the number of which is automatically configured when the SIM card is registered on the network. Sometimes the number of the SMS center may be filled with an error, and because of this, SMS are not sent. 

You can view the SMS center data in the message settings menu. This number is different for each operator, so it will be easiest for you to find the one you need by searching on the Internet – “SMS center number + name of your mobile operator.” If you find out that the number of the SMS center in the phone does not match the one indicated on the website of the operator, call the support service. By the way, the same applies to MMS settings and mobile Internet. They automatically register the addresses of APN access points. Sometimes these settings can “fly off”.

5. You are in the “black list” of the subscriber.

Alas, messages from your number can be blocked (on purpose or accidentally). You cannot do anything with this. It remains only to ask the person to whom your SMS does not reach, check the “black list” and remove your number from there if necessary.

6. Operator blocks SMS.

Due to the fact that through messages you can access finances, most operators can block the function of sending SMS to short numbers at the request of the subscriber. Also, similar restrictions are found in some corporate cellular tariffs.

To make sure your messages are not blocked at the operator level, contact customer support.

Popular questions and answers

Can I get a virus on my phone via SMS?
You can’t use the SMS itself, but you can use the link in it. Scammers can send you the address of a dangerous site under the guise of something useful. For example, discounts and coupons to the store. Therefore, never click on links from such questionable messages. The same applies to the “pranks” from WhatsApp chats.
Is it possible to block the receipt of SMS from a specific subscriber?
It is possible, and at least in two ways – through the phone software and through the operator. In the first case, you add the number of the blocked subscriber to the “black list” of your phone. In the second case, you do it through your carrier. Blocking via smartphone remains preferable – it’s easier to set up and it’s always free.

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