Why do my fingers swell? 15 possible causes

Swelling of the fingers can have many causes. It can be caused by injuries, water retention, or a short-term infection. Swelling can also be a symptom of many diseases. If it persists for a long time or occurs too often, you should watch it carefully. Which can provoke swelling and swelling of the fingers. Know the possible causes.

  1. Swollen fingers are a problem for many people, especially women. This is a common symptom of pregnancy
  2. Swelling may be due to water build-up in the body. It can also appear after exercise, and also in hot weather
  3. Swollen and painful fingers can also be the result of many diseases, especially related to the joints, kidneys and circulatory system
  4. If the discomfort is suspiciously long or is extremely bothersome, it will be necessary to consult a doctor. It may be a signal that something is wrong with our body
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Water retention in the body

Swelling is when excess body fluid builds up in the tissues or joints. Sometimes it can be seen on the fingers of the hand, then it is problematic to even put on or take off a ring or wedding ring. One of the reasons for this may be too much salt in your meals.

Most often it is not a long-term problem and will disappear after some time. However, if the swelling persists despite dietary changes and salt restriction, it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition. It is then necessary to visit a doctor.

Heat and exercise

Our heart, lungs and muscles need more oxygen when we exercise. Therefore, then more blood goes to these places, at the expense of even hands. The blood vessels respond to this change by expanding, which causes the fingers to swell.

A similar situation occurs when our body heats up in high temperatures. To cool down, the blood vessels in the skin dilate to get rid of excess heat this way. This is a normal reaction.


Swelling can be a symptom of a torn ligament or a sprained finger. It could also cause tendon damage or bone fractures. There are many causes of injuries.

If the injury is not serious, ice packs at the site of the swelling and painkillers should suffice. However, if you have trouble straightening your finger, the pain is too severe, or you develop a fever, you will need to see your doctor.

Infection or contamination

A swollen finger can be caused by infections such as:

  1. Herpetic paronychia – purulent infection of the nail fold, i.e. the tissues surrounding the nail, caused by the herpes simplex virus,
  2. Paronychia – infection of the nail base caused by bacteria (mainly staphylococci) or fungi,
  3. Brace – painful, purulent inflammation on the palmar surface of the fingers. 


In rheumatoid arthritis (RA, arthritis, rheumatism), the lining of the joints becomes inflamed, causing swelling, pain and stiffness. RA most commonly affects the hand joints.

In turn, psoriatic arthritis can appear in people suffering from psoriasis. It often causes swelling, which manifests itself as “sausage fingers”.

Both types of arthritis are serious and can cause further damage to your joints if not treated properly.

Gout (gout)

Formerly, it was described as the disease of wealthy people who could afford to eat large amounts of meat, seafood and alcohol. Now it can affect everyone who uses an incorrect diet, such as eating too much foods rich in purines, the chemicals responsible for the formation of uric acid.

Gout causes severe pain and swelling, most commonly at the base of the big toe, but can affect multiple joints. This is due to the build-up of uric acid crystals. Pain can be reduced with medication, and a change of diet can help in the long run.


Swelling of the fingers can also be caused by certain medications. It especially applies to:

  1. over-the-counter pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen
  2. steroids
  3. certain medications for diabetes or high blood pressure
  4. pain relievers such as gabapentin and pregabalin
  5. estrogen or testosterone used in hormone therapies

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. It can be caused by a medical condition, as well as the effect of hand overload in some professions (e.g. hairdressers, musicians, people typing frequently). The fingers (thumb, index and middle finger) may then be swollen, there is pain, tingling and numbness.

The most common treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is through physical therapy.

A crackling finger

Symptoms of this condition are your finger blocking or jumping as you flex and straighten it. It is accompanied by a characteristic click or click, severe pain and swelling. This happens when a thickened (for various reasons) tendon passes through a physiologically narrowed sheath with difficulty, and the strength of the flexor muscles is greater than that of the extensor muscles.

The causes can be repetitive finger movements, overstrain, hand injuries, as well as some diseases (rheumatic, diabetes) and degenerative changes.

Kidney disease

The kidneys’ job is to get rid of waste products, toxins and excess fluid from the body. One of the first signs that there is something wrong with them is a build-up of fluid in the tissues. This is mainly seen in the toes and feet. Swelling occurs mainly in the morning.

These symptoms are more likely to occur with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.


Swollen fingers, ankles or feet are natural and expected pregnancy symptoms. Sudden swelling of the hands or face can also be a sign of pre-eclampsia. It is caused by high blood pressure that can happen late in pregnancy. It is often associated with high levels of protein in the urine or kidney problems.

Anemia sierpowata

Congenital disease of the blood system consisting in an abnormal structure of hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells and is responsible for transporting oxygen to the body’s cells. Healthy blood cells resemble a flat disk. In sickle cell anemia, erythrocytes take the shape of crescents.

These abnormal blood cells can clump together and block blood vessels. This causes painful swelling in the hands and feet.


Lymphedema is a long-term condition in which excess fluid (lymph) builds up in the tissues, causing swelling. Most often it appears in the arms or legs. Edema may be primary or secondary. The latter develops when a normally functioning lymphatic system is blocked or damaged. This may be due to surgery for breast cancer combined with radiation therapy. This causes one-sided lymphedema in the arm.

Raynaud’s disease

The essence of Reynaud’s disease is excessive vasoconstriction caused by stress, low ambient temperature or intensive manual activities. The most common symptom is numbness, bruising, and redness in the fingers, along with pain. Conversely, when blood circulation improves, the fingers may pulsate and swell.

How to get rid of excess water from the body? A properly selected mixture of herbs will help in this. You will find it at a good price in the Medonet Market.


Also called systemic sclerosis, it is a disease of the origin autoimmune disease where there is excessive production of collagen within the walls of blood vessels. This manifests as a thickening, hardening and scarring of the skin. At the same time, the fingers become stiff and swollen, accompanied by pain.

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