Why do muscles hurt and how to deal with it?

Why do muscles hurt and how to deal with it?

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Have you or your loved ones ever experienced a pull in your back or, for example, a twist in your shoulder? Muscle tension, which causes painful sensations, occurs in our time quite often in people of all ages, professions and lifestyles. Therefore, for everyone, and even more so for those who have already encountered this problem, we offer an article about what and why it hurts in the muscles and how to deal with such pain.

What happens to the muscles when they hurt?

Pain is a symptom. But what is its cause and what is the mechanism?

If muscle pain occurs, then the muscle is overly tense and spasmodic. In such muscles, thickened areas are formed that hurt when touched and moved. In some cases, it only hurts when pressed directly onto the seal site. The pain can be felt only in this area, it can spread to the entire muscle and even to the tissue around the injured muscle. The pain intensifies during movement, physical exertion and in the cold. In warmth, on the contrary, it decreases due to relaxation and improved blood flow.

What Causes Muscle Pain?

There are many reasons… Here and overwork, and hypothermia, and stretching, and even, as they say, nerves. Let’s take a look at some of the common situations that each of us may face in our daily life.

Whatever position the body takes, at this moment some muscles are working, while others are not. If the body is in the same position for a long time, the muscles that are needed to maintain it become tense. This can lead to overwork. This situation applies, for example, to those who accounts spend a lot of time at the computer or drive a car for a long time. In a person in a seated position, the lumbar spine, shoulder girdle, and neck are strained. Constantly working in front of the monitor or driving, especially without breaks, warm-ups and sports, can cause muscle problems and the appearance of discomfort and pain.

Did you know that our mental sphere is closely related to the physical one? This means that if we are nervous or stressed, our body suffers. Including muscles. You have noticed that when you are nervous, afraid of something, dissatisfied with something, get angry, your body tenses – all at once or individual muscle groups. Conversely, if a person manages to be in a relaxed state, he experiences fewer negative emotions. But the most unpleasant thing about this business is that the muscle tension caused by stress does not go away immediately and on its own. You may have already solved the problem, forgot about it, but your body still remembers. If stress occurs regularly, then muscle tension builds up and can make itself felt as a pain syndrome.

It is not always possible to regularly play sports and keep yourself in great shape. We often start playing sports on the eve of the summer season. In spring, you have more strength, and your mood is more cheerful, and you won’t be jogging in frost and slush, and you just want to look good in summer outfits! In this case it is very easy to damage untrained muscles out of habit… In the spring, in addition, the beginning of the summer cottage season with all the ensuing physical exertion. As a result of abrupt, unusual muscle work, damage can be sustained.

Playing sports irregularly and without observing the necessary rules, you can easily stretch your muscles. Stretching is another cause of muscle pain… Unfortunately, not everyone remembers that the muscles need to be warmed up before loading them, and the load must be increased gradually.

Oddly enough, it is much easier to supercool your muscles in summer than in winter. In the summer we walk in open clothes, and yet the wind, although warm, is not weaker than the winter. The windows are open and there are drafts. Sudden temperature changes between a hot street and cool air-conditioned rooms. And what to say if you had to stand or sit for some time right in front of the air conditioner. Hypothermia is very common cause of muscle pain.

What to do if pain occurs?

A tense, spasmodic, hardened muscle must first of all be relaxed. Relaxing and improving blood circulation will relieve pain and provide conditions for tissue repair.

Warming is known to be a great way to relax muscles. But you need to warm it up correctly. Obviously, dressing warmly in the summer heat is unlikely to cure local back pain. You need to warm it up locally. An increase in skin temperature at the site of injury slows down the transmission of pain signals by nerve cells, relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation. Such a complex effect contributes to a quick recovery.

What to use to warm the injured muscle and relieve pain?

A modern method of effective warming is offered by the well-known brand Ketonal – a professional in the field of pain relief. He presents a novelty – warming up plaster Ketonal Thermo… What is its novelty and why is it so good? See for yourself. The Ketonal Thermo warming patch differs from traditional warming agents, such as, for example, pepper plasters, in the very mechanism of action. The Ketonal Thermo patch generates natural heat and deeply warms the muscles, while the pepper patches only create a warming sensation due to skin irritation. Possible negative consequences of treatment with pepper patches are also associated with this – redness and burning of the skin.

Plaster Ketonal Thermo provides an optimal temperature regime for deep heating 45 +/- 5 ° С.

For effective treatment, the duration of exposure is also important – at least 8 hours. The Ketonal Thermo patch provides long-lasting pain relief as it works for up to 12 hours. It is also very convenient, as it does not require changing the plaster in the middle of a business day.

Plaster Ketonal Thermo is easily removed and glued, does not leave marks on the skin and clothes, does not irritate the skin.

Enjoy the warmth, fresh air, relax, move, walk, exercise as much as you want and can afford. But if for one reason or another you are faced with muscle pains, do not despair and do not think that you will have to give up all this for a long time. Warming plaster Ketonal Thermo will help to cope with the problem. You can heal by doing your daily activities, and soon you will completely forget about the pain. I wish you good health, fruitful work and good rest!

Reg. Ud. №FSZ 2011/10019 dated 27.10.2011

1. McCarberg B., O’Connor A. A new look at heat therapy for pain syndromes. Part 1. Bulletin of the American Pain Society, 14 (6), 2004

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