Why do mosquitoes usually fly around the head and ears? Experts explain

You get comfortable for your afternoon nap. Favorite pillow under the head, warm blanket. It gets quiet and nice. You’re about to fall asleep. But suddenly it gets in the way. Mosquito. He hears the hum of his wings around his ears. Either you ward off him or the insect bites you. Some explain the behavior of mosquitoes as malicious, but what is the truth? The case was handled by Michael Riehle from the University of Arizona (USA).

  1. Female mosquitoes are responsible for the itchy bites
  2. Insects are attracted, among others, by the smell of sweat, but not only that
  3. Scientists have explained why mosquitoes most often orbit our head
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What attracts mosquitoes?

Researchers around the world estimate that 40 kinds and about 3,5 thousand were discovered. species of mosquitoes. However, females and males differ significantly from each other. Male individuals usually ignore people, feeding on nectar from flowers and plants, and thus prefer to stay in open meadows, pastures, etc. The main task of females is to procreate and extend the species, so they need additional energy to produce eggs. They have a number of amenities for this, as they are able to sense the carbon dioxide of their potential victim. This gas is created when we exhale the air, which additionally draws the attention of mosquitoes.

Man breathes mainly through the nose and mouth. Therefore – obviously – this is where the greatest concentration of carbon dioxide is found. So it’s no wonder that mosquitoes usually fly around our face.

Female mosquitoes are additionally tempted by the smell of sweat, incl. lactic acid and octanol. For these insects it is a kind of promise and an invitation to a meal. During hunting, mosquitoes additionally use thermodetection. Some studies have suggested that certain blood groups may increase the risk of being bitten, but Riehle remains skeptical of them.

  1. Take a look here: Home remedies for mosquitoes

Research shows that genetics and diet are of more importance to mosquitoes. One study also found that female mosquitoes were more likely to feast on males who had less variety of skin bacteria. In addition, insects more often targeted people dressed in dark colored clothes.

500 wing beats per second

The sound emitted by mosquitoes is the result of their hard work. During flight, the insect flaps its wings about 500 times per second at a frequency of 450 to 500 hertz. On the other hand, males, whose wings beat at a higher frequency than females, listen to the sounds of the opposite sex when they search for a mate. Riehle checked it empirically. When he made a sound with such parameters over the cage with the males, the insects became more agitated, even aroused.

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