Why do men shave their heads

More recently, a bald head was considered a disadvantage rather than an advantage. As soon as they noticed signs of thinning hair, men began to diligently mask the emerging bald patches. Today, there is a different trend: often even owners of luxurious hair prefer a “zero” hairstyle.

Gone are the days when jokes were made about bald head. Remember, “if a man has a bald head in front, he is smart, on the back of his head, he walks, a bald head in front and back, walks wisely”? What makes men bare the anatomical features of the skull, Woman’s Day decided to find out by interviewing the owners of the newfangled hairstyle. The arguments of the bald supermen, outlined below, were both expected and unexpected.

Saving money and time… Indeed, a zero haircut costs two to three times cheaper than the simplest one, and the consumption of shampoo is minimized. Not only money and hygiene products are saved, but also the most irreplaceable resource – time: there is no need to smooth naughty whirlwinds every morning, wash your hair every day, and often visit a hairdresser. And if you buy a good typewriter, you can forget about the hairdresser altogether.

That’s cool. This point of view prevails among the representatives of the younger generation, which is trying to imitate their idols. Someone thinks that having shaved his head, he acquires a resemblance to Vin Diesel, someone sees himself in the company of Fyodor Bondarchuk, and someone really wants to at least somehow resemble Bruce Willis’s favorite women. Even Justin Timberlake had a period when he shaved bald! A similar point of view that a “zero” hairstyle is a sign of coolness has taken root even among elementary school students.

Brutality makes about a third of the respondents part with their hair. And among them there are not only slender guys who bare their skulls in the hope that a bald head will add masculinity. This is also the opinion of real macho, who even with hair would look “very, very”, as the hero of Oleg Borisov used to say in the film “Chasing Two Hares” by the barber Golokhvastov.

To make your hair thicker. Unfortunately, waiting for this miracle is a waste of work. According to experts, the density of hair depends on the number of follicles from which the hair grows, and shaving will definitely not contribute to their increase. Thus, the splendor of the hair depends on the genes that our parents gave us, and not on a regular haircut to zero.

To keep yourself safe. Some men, and far from timid ten, believe that long hair makes them vulnerable and can become a hindrance in dangerous moments – the enemy can grab onto them, thereby gaining a strategic advantage. When such a point of view is presented by the masters of fighting without rules, it is justified, and when this is the argument of ordinary bully, it is simply ridiculous.

Among other reasons, haircuts are “close to zero”: it goes well with a beard, hair interferes and irritates, interferes with wearing a hat, as well as partial baldness (they say, it is better to have a bald head than with bald patches).

Therefore, when you see a man with a shining bald head, do not consider him the owner of a flaw. Rather, he has one or more of the above reasons for making this choice.

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