Why do many moles appear on the body and face with age?

Why do many moles appear on the body and face with age?

A mole is a highlight that adds charm to its owner. But what if a lot of moles began to appear?

Why do many birthmarks appear on the body?

Oddly enough, but in the first two years of life, the baby does not have moles. Nevi begin to appear much later, and the most active phase of their growth occurs in puberty (adolescence). What factors affect the number and size of moles?

  • Changes in hormonal levels. This can be due to adolescence, pregnancy, the use of strong hormonal drugs, menopause, as well as diseases of the endocrine system.

  • Genetic predisposition. If your parents have a large number of nevi, do not panic if you have a lot of birthmarks on your skin.

  • Sunny summer is a favorite time for the appearance of new nevi. Why? The basis of a mole is melanin, which is activated when exposed to ultraviolet rays. When a person stays in the sun for a long time, he receives a large dose of ultraviolet radiation, thereby stimulating the production of melanin. That is why most moles appear on open areas of the body: face, neck, arms, legs, shoulders.

  • Radio wave and X-ray radiation are frequent provocateurs of the appearance of new nevi.

  • The activation of melanin cells can also be provoked by deep wounds or insect bites.

As you can see, there are few reasons, each person will be able to determine the source of their problem.

If the increase in the number of moles occurred very quickly, or some nevi cause concern (increase in size, itch, bleed, change color), then it is recommended to immediately consult a specialist: a dermatologist-oncologist. The doctor will examine each neoplasm and identify the causes of certain symptoms.

In most cases, moles do not cause discomfort, however, if some nevi are located in friction zones (bra straps, trouser belts, bristles, etc.), this can provoke the degeneration of a benign formation into melanoma – an oncological disease. To prevent possible consequences, experts advise removing the mole in one of the following ways:

  • Laser removal.
  • Surgical removal.
  • Removal with liquid nitrogen.
  • Removal using radio wave coagulation.

Remember that a mole is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also of health. A cosmetologist has no right to deal with the removal of a nevus, entrust your health to qualified dermatologists.

Do such moles need to be removed?

An expert – cosmetologist, mycologist, dermatovenerologist of the European Medical Center (EMC) Natalia Zharinova told us about this.

With age, many different neoplasms really appear on our skin. This is also influenced by genetic characteristics, for example, a gene responsible for the appearance of melanoma has been identified, and physiological reasons, such as:

  • insolation,

  • sunburn,

  • visiting tanning salons, as well as frequent mechanical injuries or foci of constant irritation on the skin.

Benign formations include melanocytic nevi (moles), fibroepithelial polyps (papillomas), seborrheic keratomas, angiomas (vascular growths) and many others.

Today the most modern and best skin diagnostic device is FotoFinder. It allows the doctor to determine as accurately as possible the nature of various formations on the skin, it is equipped with a video rermatoscope that allows you to magnify the image by 140 times, conduct a detailed assessment and identify malignant formations at an early stage. Also, the device makes it possible to draw up a special map of moles and analyze neoplasms in dynamics.

For timely diagnosis, as a rule, it is required to undergo this examination once a year.

Olga Fomina, Taisiya Stupina

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