Why do lips turn blue, reasons what to do

Why do lips turn blue, reasons what to do

Lips take on a bluish tint in frost or cold winds, but discoloration at normal temperatures can also indicate serious disturbances in the body. This symptom in medicine is called cyanosis. If the lips turn blue without the influence of external causes, the person needs qualified medical assistance.

The main cause of skin discoloration is considered to be a lack of oxygen in the blood. Moreover, a bluish tint is acquired not only by the lips, but also by other parts of the body. Serious ailments of the cardiovascular system, for example, pulmonary embolism, can cause oxygen deficiency. Heart and vascular diseases are indicated by a rapid pulse and shortness of breath.

There are other reasons why the lips turn blue. These include:

– alcohol and cigarette abuse;

– poisoning of the body with toxic substances;

– iron deficiency in the blood (anemia);

– pathology of the respiratory tract.

In preschoolers, a bluish lip tone may indicate the onset of a serious illness – croup. Additional signs include shortness of breath, throat spasms, and a barking cough.

What to do if your lips turn blue?

Plum lips from hypothermia can easily regain their original pink color. Blue in this case occurs due to vasoconstriction and insufficient blood flow to the mucous membrane.

Coping with cold reactions

– Enter a warm room and wrap yourself in a blanket.

– Drink a hot drink, preferably herbal tea. Coffee will not work: caffeine causes vasoconstriction.

– Jump a little, wave your hands, squat. Exercise will help improve blood circulation.

If you still need to get to a warm room, a simple technique helps. Cover your mouth with your palms folded in a scoop and breathe in. This will warm both hands and lips.

Heavy smokers and alcohol lovers will only help to get rid of bad habits to return to normal lip color.

If the lips turn blue, this may be a symptom of a malfunctioning of the circulatory system.

A small iron deficiency will help restore foods rich in this micronutrient:

– veal and liver;

– grapes and pomegranates;

– tomatoes and beets.

Prolonged anemia requires medical supervision and administration of iron-containing preparations. This is especially true for women in position and young mothers.

If your lips turn blue not from hypothermia, but you are indifferent to alcohol and cigarettes, you need to consult a therapist. Perhaps these are warning signs of a serious illness, especially if the change in the shade of the mucous membranes is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

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