Why do legs hurt in the morning?

Why do legs hurt in the morning?

If your legs hurt in the morning, this may be a sign of overstrain the day before or a serious malfunction in the body. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after an accurate diagnosis has been made, but a person is able to speed up recovery and prevent the return of pain. To do this, you need to adjust your lifestyle and nutrition.

Causes of leg pain in the morning

External Factorsthat provoke pain in the legs in the morning are associated with injuries, wearing the wrong shoes, walking for a long time, and an uncomfortable posture. Internal factors include deterioration of blood circulation, nerve damage, development of inflammation, infection.

If your legs hurt in the morning, then this may indicate serious ailments.

Morning leg pain may indicate:

  • Arthritis, arthrosis… With these ailments, feet, calves, and toes may hurt.

  • Gout… Painful sensations arise in the feet.

  • Ankle ligament injuries.

  • Phlebeurysm. Feels heaviness and soreness in the calves and feet.

  • Osteoporosis… It manifests itself as painful sensations in the heels.

  • Plantar fasciitis… The muscles of the feet become inflamed, as a result, the heels are very sore.

  • Thrombophlebitis… Manifested by throbbing pain in the calf muscles.

  • Heel spur… Heels hurt badly when stepping on them in the morning.

  • Flat-footedness… It causes pain in the heels.

  • Damage to the nerve endings of the feet.

  • Vascular diseases.

  • Erythromelalgia… The ailment affects the feet, causing burning pain. Mostly middle-aged men are susceptible to it. More often it occurs against the background of hypertension and taking certain medications.

When a person is awake, many ailments do not manifest themselves in any way. But after a night’s rest, as a result of which the joints and muscles relax, the signs of illness worsen, leading to painful sensations.

How to eliminate morning leg pain?

With frequent morning pains in the legs, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • choose comfortable shoes;

  • strengthen bones, for which include calcium-rich foods in the diet;

  • strengthen joints by doing physical therapy;

  • keep weight within normal limits.

If your legs often hurt not because of their overload or wearing the wrong shoes, you should first of all seek advice from a therapist who will refer you to narrower specialists – a phlebologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, surgeon.

Expert Opinion

– The main cause of morning leg pain is swelling in the joints of the extremities that occurs during rest. The only way to combat this is daily morning exercises.… But also this condition can be prevented. Proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of physical activity, adherence to water balance – all this will be the prevention of edema, which can negatively affect not only the joints, but also the body as a whole.

But, if on some day you did not manage to refuse a late dinner or you drank too much water at night, when you wake up, start doing charging.

1. Stand up straight with your feet together. Rise on your toes as high as possible and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then return to the starting position. This exercise must be repeated 15-20 times.

2. Further, in order to “disperse” the liquid, lying on a horizontal surface, lift your legs up. You can lean them against the wall. Lie in this position for 15-20 minutes.

These simple exercises will help relieve leg swelling and relieve pain.

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