Leg problems rarely bother us, especially at a young age. If something hurts, many often attribute it to self-evident factors like excessive walking and do not pay attention. However, when any problem arises with the legs, it immediately becomes clear how much they affect our mood and life in general.
Why do heels hurt
Such pain is very unpleasant and can almost completely knock a person out of the normal rhythm of life. Even an easy daily walk turns into a difficult task. There can be many reasons for heel pain. First of all, you should pay attention to your shoes (this is especially true for women). A “hairpin” or a high heel leads to an “overload” of the foot, as a result of which intense shooting pains can occur in the heel.
Another cause of burning pain in the heel can be an injury. Pain of this type often reveals itself with injuries of the ligaments of the ankle joints. It often feels like a needle is stuck in the heel. If a person wears comfortable normal shoes and has not been subjected to accidental injuries, but feels pain in the leg, then this may be the result of certain diseases. Such diseases include plantar fasciitis, heel spur, arthritis, reactive arthritis, inflammation of the Achilles tendon.
Why do calves hurt
There are several reasons that can provoke pain in the calves of the legs. Pain in the calf muscles can cause a variety of injuries in this area – for example, as a result of excessively intense exercise. Sudden pain can also occur during physical activity or when walking. Vascular diseases also quite often lead to pain in the calves. This is due to a violation of the outflow of venous blood, as a result of which an increase in pressure in the vessels begins.
As a result of the resulting venous stasis, the nerve endings are irritated, and pain develops. In most cases, such pains are “dull” in nature, the patient feels heaviness in the legs. Pain of a pulsating nature is observed in the calf muscles with another vascular disease – thrombophlebitis. Pain in the calves with thrombophlebitis is permanent. Atherosclerosis of arteries, diseases of the spine, diseases of peripheral nerves, etc. can also provoke the appearance of pain in the calf muscles.
Why do my feet hurt
Quite often in medical practice, patients complain of pain in the foot or foot. The reasons that provoke these pains are varied. A very common disease that causes pain in the feet is flat feet. The arch of the foot with flat feet drops and becomes flat, while the foot loses its shock-absorbing function when walking. With flat feet, fatigue and foot pain appear not only while running or walking, but even when standing.
It is also not uncommon to encounter a disease that causes pain in the foot, such as a heel spur. It manifests itself when the patient steps on the heel in the morning after waking up, or when he rises after a long sitting. A number of traumatic injuries can cause pain of this kind: dislocation of the Lisfranc joint, dislocation of the Chopard joint and tarsal bones, long periods of immobility, significant long-term physical exertion on the legs, a sharp increase in body weight in a short period of time.
Why do my toes hurt
In most cases, pain in the toes is provoked by one of three reasons: vascular disorders, arthrosis or arthritis. Different arthritis have their own “favorite” fingers. For example, the big toe is often inflamed in psoriatic and reactive arthritis and in gout (true gout, which occurs most often in men). The remaining fingers in most cases become inflamed (in various combinations and variants) with rheumatoid arthritis, sometimes with psoriatic arthritis.
If the toes turn white (some or all), and this, especially against the background of physical exertion, is accompanied by pain, then, most likely, a disease of the blood vessels is possible. An ingrown toenail can also cause severe pain in the toes. It most often appears on the thumb and can lead to swelling, redness, or infection.
Why do my legs hurt in the morning
Leg pain in the morning can be caused by a variety of factors. For example, this can lead to excessive physical exertion on the legs during the previous day or being overweight. With plantar fasciitis, pain is also most noticeable in the morning, when a person gets out of bed after a long rest. The same applies to the heel spur. To find a more accurate cause, it is better to consult a competent doctor.